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Nov 5, 2021, 8 tweets

Then listen to my words. Which are Julian's words also.

Public pressure matters.

This is why so much effort is spent to distract and divide you.

Apply enough pressure, and what they want to do becomes impossible. ~E

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

You are in a sea of division over false and temporary issues meant to give mask to their true ambitions. Because their true ambitions are so corrupt they unify people on all manufactured sides against them.
Start speaking out about the case, and do not stop.
~E #AssangeCase

Your voice is not alone.
Together, we will win.
#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

They do not need to be able to kill you to control you, only to convince you they can.
The perception of absolute power is a false construct built over time.

Public pressure and outside transparency can bring that down in a heartbeat. ~E

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

It isnt even about Julian. He is just their means to an end.

It has always been about removing your rights and liberties that present a threat to total endless dominance of a false duopoly ruled by a carefully orchestrated Intelligence Community ~E

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

.that protects and serves the criminal cartel that runs this world.

And sadly. That isnt a conspiracy, but rather the basic facts at hand we must contend with.

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

But yes, that has always been their aim, and I spoke a lot in 2019 about "what people thought was transpiring was not, and would people be willing to endure a lot of pain for actual truth" ~E

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

Yes, that is what I meant.

And yes it has been the IC's true goal for a very long time now. ~E

#AssangeCase #ExposeTheCIA

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