Chris “Law Dork” Geidner Profile picture
SCOTUS and so much more @lawdorknews. / Email: / Me: Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. (He/him.) / “More like gay law dork.” - a troll

Nov 5, 2021, 6 tweets

My latest for @MSNBC looks at the Pentagon’s investigation into the August drone strike that killed 10 Afghan civilians, including 7 children, and what their conclusions say about how our military thinks about drone warfare:…

“It is a horrifying wake-up call that comes as no surprise to those who have followed the advent and expansion of drone warfare. But, as with all recurring horrors, there are moments that prompt more attention than others — and sometimes even change.”…

In the column, I discuss problems with the investigation, with the initial review of the strike (and the review of that review), and — ultimately — with the attack itself.…

The Pentagon told us that the intelligence assessment that led to 7 children being killed was “regrettably inaccurate,” prompting the “regrettable strike,” leading to “regrettable civilian casualties.” None of that was negligence, the review concluded.…

I expanded on something I mentioned here when the review came out: This is all so damning bc “despite the many mistakes listed as having been made in the lead-up to the strike, the Pentagon has concluded that those involved exercised a reasonable amount of care in their actions.”

I encourage you to read the whole thing:…

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