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Intensivist | Husband, Dad² | created the #1 critical care podcast @CritCareTime & infographic site @OnePagerICU | passionate about MedEd & MedTech innovation

Nov 5, 2021, 15 tweets

💊Exciting news today about another oral therapy for early COVID: reduced hospitalization & mortality.

Here’s a Deep dive 🧵 on the new PF-07321332 protease inhibitor (“Paxlovid”) & the very impressive results announced from the EPIC-HR trial.
TL/DR: this is a big deal.

What the heck is PF-07321332?

All coronaviruses produce a polypeptide that must be cleaved by a protease into 11 proteins. Without this protease the virus can’t co-opt cellar machinery & reproduce.

PF-07321332 Inhibits the viral main protease (Mpro).

Specifically PF-07321332 binds to the catalytic site of Mpro.

Mpro is a great target because there are unique features of Mpro not found in *any* human enzymes & because spike protein mutations wouldn’t confer resistance.

In short, an ideal drug🎯

In contrast to other SARS-CoV-2 drugs (remdesivir, Molnupiravir) which are nucleoside analogs, protease inhibition (PI) should have fewer off target effects. (E.g. No risk of mutagenesis).

Also analogous PI drugs are very effective against HIV & HCV.…

Building on work with SARS-CoV1 (which has a 100% identical Mpro catalytic site) researchers developed potent covalent inhibitors of the viral Mpro: PF-07321332

(Sidebar: “electrophilic warhead” would be an excellent name for a band)

After development of candidate Mpro inhibitors in vitro, the drug showed promise in mouse models.🐁

First in human trials (NCT04756531) began in February 2021. These studies found an effective Cmax and tolerable AE profile.🤞

The Evaluation of Protease Inhibition in COVID-19 High Risk Patients (EPIC-HR) study was begun in July 2021.

It was a n=3000 blinded RCT comparing PF-07321332 vs placebo. It was performed at 359 sites in the 🇺🇸 & other countries (🇧🇷🇨🇴🇯🇵 🇲🇾🇰🇷 & others)

Sidebar: Why combine w/ ritonavir esp since lopinavir/ritonavir wasn't effective against COVID19?

They added Ritonavir not for anti-viral effects but to "boost" drug levels of PF-07321332 by inhibiting CYP3A. We do something analogous w/ "ritonavir boosted darunavir" in HIV.

EPIC-HR enrolled "high risk" COVID19 patient w/i 5 days of symptoms.

High risk was defined as ≥ 1 high risk condition by CDC criteria (…)

Notably they are doing similar trials in standard risk pts (EPIC-SR) & post exposure prophylaxis (EPIC-PEP)

The primary endpoint of EPIC-HR was hospitalization or death within 28 days of randomization.
Secondary endpoints were pretty much what you'd expect (resolution of symptoms, clearance of virus, longer term outcomes, and adverse effects).

The trial record and statistical plan seem normal & rigorous.

As far as I can see no🚩 in the study design or protoocl changes. (admittedly I'm reading quickly & having worked overnight in the ICU!)

The results of PF-07321332 vs placebo were impressive! So impressive that EPIC-HR was stopped early by IDMC/FDA at interim analysis.

6/607 (1%) vs 41/612 (6.7%) [p<0.0001]

28 Day mortality
0/389 (0%) vs 10/385 (1.6%) [p<0.0001]…

Overall this was an 89% reduction in the composite outcome of death/hospitalization.
A NNT of 17 to prevent a hospitalization & a NNT of 62 to prevent a death.

& the pre-specified subgroup of patients who presented sooner (within 3 days of symptom onset) did even better.

Only limited safety data provided:
Of 1881 pts, side effects "most of which were mild" were 19% w/ PF-07321332 vs 21% w/ placebo

There were fewer severe AEs w/ drug than placebo: 1.7% vs. 6.6%, & discontinuation due to side effect was more common with placebo: 2.1% vs. 4.1%

Bottom line:
-the anti-viral PF-07321332 seems promising in vitro
-there were significant reductions in hospitalizations & mortality in a large phase 2/3 RCT; these are clinically meaningful effects
-I'm excited to see more data when they go to the FDA later this month!

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