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Nov 5, 2021, 5 tweets

We introduce you to some of the people who got their visas refused for #COP26

There can be no meaningful #COP26 when people are excluded from the conversation – especially the ones impacted the most by climate chaos

RT to support Manal, Abeer, Jamal, Mahmood #WhoIsMissing

1/4 “Fighting for climate justice is at the heart of the Palestinian struggle against Israel’s settler colonial and apartheid structure.” Jamal @stopthewall

The Palestinian civil society was refused visas for #COP26 📢 RT to make sure their voices are not silenced!

2/4 “From Palestine, we see an urgency for an environmental stewardship that is informed and guided by the struggles of the oppressed for justice, freedom and equality.” Manal @stopthewall

The Palestinian civil society was refused visas for #COP26 📢 RT to support them

3/4 “Despite the efforts of oppressive regimes to divide us, our longing for freedom, justice and human rights is what unite us." Mahmoud @BDSmovement

The Palestinian civil society was refused visas for #COP26 📢 RT their messages

4/4 “The Israeli occupation exacerbates the climate risks faced by Palestinians by denying us the right to manage our land and resources, making us even more vulnerable to climate-related events.” Abeer @FoePengon

📢 RT the messages of people whose visas were refused #COP26

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