Helen Branswell 🇨🇦 Profile picture
I cover infectious diseases @statnews. 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. #H5N1 #birdflu #Covid #polio #flu, #RSV. Me on Signal: HBranswell.01

Nov 5, 2021, 10 tweets

1. Fridays are #flu update days from @CDCgov. So here goes.
CDC says flu activity remains low but the agency reports a tiny uptick in flu activity in the week ending Oct. 30.

2. To be honest, I don't actually see that. In the week ending Oct. 30, 52 people tested positive for #flu out of nearly 33,000 people tested. There's not a ton of sunlight between the test positivity rates of the first 4 weeks of the 2021-22 flu season.

3. Last week 282 people were admitted to hospital across the country because of #flu infections. It was 288 the week before. This number has been pretty static since late May.

4. Long term care facilities can be harbingers of the start of #flu activity. But so far, not much activity there. Only 27 (0.2%) of 14,216 reporting care facilities had at least one #influenza positive test among their residents.

5. So no big signs yet that #flu is taking off here. But it's important to remember: 1) if this were a pre-Covid year, it would still be considered early for flu & 2) while it's impossible to know when #flu will return, do not bet on it not returning. cdc.gov/flu/weekly/wee…

6. Last thing: @CDCgov reported 3 cases of people infected with swine #flu (aka variant) viruses in this issue of FluView. These infections all happened in the 2020-21 flu season; all involved people who had been in proximity to pigs. No evidence of person-2-person spread.

7. I'm going to add a bit because I saw some concerning data on #flu vaccine uptake so far for 2021-22.
Flu vaccine uptake is down. Not surprising, given last year's non-appearance of flu. But people should not assume this winter will mirror last winter. cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview…

8. #Flu vaccine uptake among pregnant people is down from where it was last year at this time. This is a mistake. Pregnant people should be vaccinated against flu. They are at higher risk of severe illness if they contract influenza.

9. #Flu vaccination among kids is down 8 percentage points compared to last year, with just under 25% vaccinated by Oct 23.
Every year before the pandemic 150-200 kids died from flu. That will resume when flu returns & the flu hiatus will leave young kids very susceptible.

10. This fact from the @CDCgov's update on #flu shot uptake absolutely flummoxes me. There are adults who are refusing #Covid vaccines but getting flu shots. Who are these people? Where do they get their health information from?

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