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An ISN initiative for online nephrology education • ISN official Twitter handle ➡️ @ISNkidneycare

Nov 6, 2021, 21 tweets

This month at #ISNTweetorial, we thought it would be fun to visit ancient Greece! Well not the whole of ancient Greece. But we did visit a particular Greek goddess. Can you guess which one? 🤔
(Image: Wikipedia)

🎥The #ISNTweetorial team proudly presents - an epic story (with all the drama of ancient Greece) - ‘The pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease - mineral bone disease’

Let’s start with the @gokdigo definition of CKD-MBD!…

The curtain opens to phosphorus(P). In CKD, as the kidney function declines, the ability of the kidney to excrete P ⬇️
Once the eGFR falls below 60 mL/min/1.73m2, filtration of P ⬇️ and it begins to get retained (Image: flickr)

Why do we care so much about P? Well because as the levels of P ⬆️, two things happen:
1️⃣Calcium(Ca) level ⬇️
2️⃣Active vitamin D (calcitriol) synthesis and activity ⬇️

Parathyroid hormone(PTH) kicks into action to ⬇️ reabsorption of P by the proximal tubules 👍
PTH also ⬆️ bone resorption to maintain Ca level 👍
Moreover, it ⬆️ calcitriol production.
But here’s the catch ➡️

In what has been described as the ‘trade-off’ hypothesis, ⬆️ PTH does help to regulate levels of P, Ca and calcitriol. But the trade off is hyperparathyroidism 😱…

But the main hero 🦸of our story is not PTH, but fibroblast growth factor 23 or FGF-23. Even before low P levels are noted, FGF-23 flips the ‘off’ 🚫button on Vit D

⬇️Calcitriol levels➡️⬇️ reabsorption of P by the kidneys and ⬇️absorption of P by the intestine

In fact, FGF-23 enters into the story much earlier than PTH - maybe even when the eGFR is at 90 ml/min/1.73 m2!
So the actual trade off?
You guessed it - ⬇️vitamin D, which in turn leads to ⬇️ Ca (and ultimately ⬆️ P and ⬆️ PTH)

And what about Vitamin D?
In CKD, there are multiple mechanisms by which active Vit D levels can⬇️
✅⬇️ 1 alpha hydroxylase activity
✅⬆️ FGF23
(Source: Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 6th edition)

As calcitriol level ⬇️, PTH charges in ⚡️guns blazing to maintain it. And that does help initially🙂
Ultimately, however, this response becomes maladaptive 🙁 and the bones simply say ‘no go’ (skeletal resistance to PTH).

To summarize
⬇️ eGFR → ⬆️ FGF23 → ⬇️ calcitriol → ⬇️ Ca → ⬆️ PTH

⬇️ eGFR → ⬆️ P → ⬇️ Ca and ⬇️ calcitriol → ⬆️ PTH

⬇️ eGFR → ⬇️ calcitriol → ⬆️ PTH

Too much PTH → skeletal resistance to PTH → crazy high P and low Ca → CKD-MBD

Now I know what you are thinking - where’s the Greek goddess in all this?🤷‍♀️
⚡️Introducing Clotho, Goddess of Fate⚡️
Clotho and her sisters Atropos and Lachesis constituted the Fates or the Moirai
Clotho had the power to choose who was born and who was to die

Interesting. But what does that have to do with CKD-MBD?

Well Klotho was the name chosen for the obligate co-receptor of FGF-23. In other words, Klotho is the patron goddess of our hero, FGF-23…

A ‘klotho centric’ theory argues that the klotho gene is a putative anti-ageing gene and CKD is a state of accelerated ageing
As early as CKD stage 1, the expression of klotho declines

⬇️ Klotho ➡️ ⬇️ FGF23 ➡️ ⬆️ PTH ➡️ CKD-MBD

What we are basically trying to say is that CKD-MBD might actually be a state of 'klotho deficiency'🤯
Gives you something to think about doesn't it?
(Image: istockphoto)

What do you think about the Klotho theory of CKD-MBD?

That's all for today folks!
Keep watching this space for more on CKD-MBD and its management - The amazing @gag_aggarwal will be releasing a tweetorial soon!

The ISN academy also has a wonderful resource on Ca and P homeostasis… and also on CKD-MBD!*listing…

Think you already know all there is to know? Wait for the quiz! It’s coming soon
Lucky winners will be blessed by Clotho herself!
Ok maybe that was a joke
But you do get an e-certificate from the ISN🥇🥈🥉

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