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Nov 6, 2021, 9 tweets

We have issues. 😠
Published 2015.

Ralph Baric co-authored: "On the basis of these findings, scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue..."
"Coupled with restrictions on mouse-adapted strains and the development of monoclonal...

antibodies using escape variants."
2. "HeLa cells were grown..." [cancer-causing agent] 👀
Uni of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill Institutional Review Board "approved protocols."
"The cultures are also grown on an air-liquid interface..." [Aerosolized]
3. Transfected into Vero E6...


In re to transfection, see Polyplus / Interferin:…

Project & Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741 GID: 12279
"This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH." Continuation of studies requested "and this has been approved by the NIH."


"20 NOV 2015 In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted a funding source,
USAID - EPT - PREDICT funding from ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, to ZLS." *Zheng-Li Shi*
Withholding source funding? Scroll

Is this what's being given to those who are receiving the genetic therapies, such as the #COVID19 vax, monoclonal antibodies (mabs), and/or convalescent plasma? Is this what Gates meant by "next time"?!?

Are they saying these aren't contaminated?!

Correction: Hela cells are infectious though cancer.

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