Arundhati Ahmed Profile picture
Dalit | Lesbian | Dravidian | WOKE | Intersectional Crusader | Tenured Professor | Massively Peer Reviewed | Fighting Brahmanical Patriarchy & Toxic Masculinity

Nov 6, 2021, 11 tweets

1.Intersectional Perspective on Diwali Crackers. Comrades! We all know how Diwali is a fascist festival associated with the Savarna hegemony of Vaishyas and Brahmins over the Dalits, women, LGBTQIA+ community and other assorted marginalized beautiful individuals.


2.This power hierarchy is also deeply visible in the fire crackers that fascist Hindus burst on this very important day. The power dynamism and resident inequalities of the Hindu society are deeply visible in the fire crackers.

3.Let us start by the shape of these fire crackers. Don’t most of them look like phallic symbols? They are all long and pointy ended, and are the psycho-sexual expression of hidden male hegemony in Hindu society.

4.The fuljhadi or sparkler for example is touted by cunning Brahmin sellers as a feminine piece fit for children who are afraid of bigger crackers. But its shape gives it away as nothing but the expression of male toxicity.

5.The pencil or roshni or mehtaab is an even bigger expression of male toxicity. It is thick, long and shoots a very thick output and gets spent rather too soon. Isn’t this like most males?

6.The rocket shoots with force upwards and keeps trying to get in somewhere. Do I even need to expand on it? The flower pots are also like rockets.

7.The Anar is also long in shape, pointy ended and its discharge shoots high up in the sky. But Anar Bomb has to be appreciated for its queerness. It is not sure what it is: a bomb or an anar. It is the most intersectional firecracker on the menu.

8.All sound crackers on the other hand disappear in a flash and with a loud bang. Bang! Isn’t it obvious that it is the most famous amongst the patriarchs of our society?

9.Only the charkhi is feminine. It has a horizontal reach. It goes round and round in circles and does not go upward. Its shape is also not like a male reproductive organ.

10.For smashing Brahmanical patriarchy the only crackers that liberated beautiful beings should use are charkha and anar bombs. The rest are nothing but a symbol of male chauvinist Brahmanical patriarchy.

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