Jakub Janda 楊雅嚳 Profile picture
Director @_EuropeanValues Center for Security Policy, Prague. Czech CyberCommand Reservist. Enemies: Russia, China Friends: NATO, EU, Ukraine, Taiwan

Nov 6, 2021, 6 tweets

(THREAD) @_EuropeanValues Center just published this report: HOW TO PROTECT THE CZECH ECONOMY FROM FOREIGN PREDATORS?

Supported by @CIPEglobal @CIPE_EEA, authored by @phamphi, @MarcikFrantisek, @RichardKraemer7 & myself.

We talked to 30 Czech key govt & business leaders:

We asked the Czech govt & business leaders: How to safeguard Czech democracy and fair business environment from (mainly) Chinese state-organised predators?

Full report: europeanvalues.cz/wp-content/upl…

For EVC as mainly national security-focused think-tank, we benefited from @CIPEglobal approach (thanks to @eric_hontz & @jeffdlightfoot and their teams) on how to think about defending fair business environment from foreign predators.

What Czech govt insiders + business say:

Here our @_EuropeanValues research team identified the main Chinese economic interference tools, we assessed their main objectives and specific real-life examples.

The list of Chinese malign practices could be long, so we have identified main categories to make sure we see the major gaps in European policy responses:

Europeans are now learning that national security needs to cover economic security since China uses this gateway as a tool for strategic blackmail of European democracies.

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