Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston's translucent form Profile picture
Not playing idiot's Nazi Twitter any more. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Nov 6, 2021, 14 tweets

You see, you can't win.

1. You lockdown (to save hospitals anyway), they say "you're killing the economy".

2. NZ avoids COVID for a year, they say "NZ wasted billions now that they have some cases". Although NZ economy was just fine this past year.

It's all trolling.

NZ stayed positive

US (example) negative 4%

Canada negative 5%

I should have said "did much better than others" not "just fine". My error.
Also do you see the "elimination" straw man? Not much to do but recognize and ignore these idiot/biased trolls.

And I highly doubt NZ "wasted billions" and certainly not more than we lost in lost GDP.

Canada lost 0.1 trillion = 100 billion dollars.

Or, put another way, our public health just blew 100 billion dollars.

I'm gonna click that fourth one for sure

Search results I can get behind.

Trust MTV to bring the goods

1.5 billion buys you 6.3 billion chicken nuggets (with sauce).

So Canada just blew ~66 x 6.4 billion chicken nuggets = ~422 billion chicken nuggets.

I'm sad now, and I don't even like chicken nuggets.

Lining up 422 billion chicken nuggets end to end reaches the moon 27.9 times.

Only about 1/14th of the way to the Sun though.

Not sure if the closest ones would get nice and toasty then. Might be better to use the toaster oven.

GDP data you can play with from here…

Stupid arguments get chicken tenders responses now.

No time for sea lioning.

Arf arf.

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