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Tweets and threads about Price Action, Trading Strategies, Option Selling & Psychology.

Nov 7, 2021, 5 tweets


Monthly TF: Sellers >40k zone

Previous week: Bearish engulfing pattern the confirmation of the same will kick in when BNF starts to trade below 39115. This week was an inside candle


Hourly TF: S/R levels marked

Strategy: Safe players

Reaction points: 37300 on the lower side & 41000 on the upside if taken out

Capital: 54.6K

RoI: 0.9% for safe players

Disclaimer: Try this only if you know how to do adjustments once the level breaks

Strategy: Moderate Risk players

Reaction points: 38390 on the lower side & 40500 on the upside if taken out

Capital: 67.7K

RoI: 1.8% for safe players

Disclaimer: Try this only if you know how to do adjustments once the level breaks

Strategy: Aggressive Risk players

Reaction points: 38390 on the lower side & 40200 on the upside if taken out

Capital: 73K

RoI: 3.6% for aggressive risk seekers

Disclaimer: This is a very risky strategy, try this only if you know how to do adjustments once the level breaks

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