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Nov 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Article in today's @WashingtonPost largely overlooks the reason why the IDF has embarked on this initiative: Repeated stabbings, shootings and other attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians, often in Hebron.

See this incident, for example. Hebron, 2016. A Palestinian suspect stands next to soldiers at a checkpoint. He is asked to show his ID, but instead produces a knife and attempts to stab the soldiers.

This is far from the only incident in which soldiers' lives were put at risk during a routine ID check at a checkpoint in Hebron.

See this incident from 2015.

Also in 2015, a Palestinian woman suddenly pulled a knife out of her bag and turned on an Israeli security guard standing within touching distance of her.

In 2020, a Palestinian man suddenly pulled a knife on Israeli border police standing on duty in Jerusalem's Old City.

And not even in two months ago, in September 2021, a Palestinian assailant was caught on camera pulling a knife out of a plastic bag in Jerusalem's Old City and running directly at a group of border police officers.

While there is scope to cover Blue Wolf and its ramifications, totally omitting the background of attacks against Israeli soldiers and police officers is essential, @lizzadwoskin.

Decontextualising the story this way misleads readers as to the reality confronting Israel.

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