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News / politcal junky • true crime addict • trial connoisseur • drone pilot • technology guru • sometimes I meme what I say.

Nov 8, 2021, 46 tweets

The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Day 6

Last week ADA Thomas Binger asserted the presentation of the State’s case would likely be concluded by Tuesday (tomorrow). Will Gaige Grosskreutz or the Ziminski’s will take the stand today?

Before the jury entering the court room, ADA binger stated that the prosecution obtained an HD version of a video previously admitted into evidence from UrbanAir. The defense did not object to permitting the HD version to be submitted into evidence as well.

Kyle Rittenhouse prior to the jury entering the courtroom.

The State calls Gaige Grosskreutz to the stand. Grosskreutz is the third and final person that Kyle Rittenhouse shot August 25, 2020. Grosskreutz was armed with a handgun.

Grosskreutz described what he was wearing and items he had on his person, including a loaded Glock 27. He also stated that he previously held a Concealed Carry Permit but that he no longer had one.

Grosskreutz stated that he was recording video of the events that evening while not treating injured people, because he wanted to give an accurate unbiased account of what was happening.

A statement that might hurt his testimony.

“Video doesn’t lie…”

Grosskreutz claimed that while he was running alongside Kyle Rittenhouse as Rittenhouse ran towards the police line, that Rittenhouse said “I’m working with the police. I didn’t do anything.”

Grosskreutz claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse “murdered” Anthony Huber. The defense objected. It was sustained. And judge Schroeder explained to the jury that what happened is for the jury to form an opinion and decide.

Grosskreutz claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse “re-racked” his gun while he approached him. That the implication of Kyle doing so, was that Kyle must have attempted to fire at him while his hands were in a raised position, but that the gun jammed.

Grosskreutz claimed that Kyle “re-racking” the weapon was an inference of Kyle not accepting Grosskreutz’s surrender.

Grosskreutz claimed that his goal in approaching Kyle while holding a handgun was not to shoot Kyle. He wanted to try to do something less lethal.

Binger “Why didn’t you take your own gun and shoot the defendant first?”

Grosskreutz stated that a spent gas canister (used to disperse violent crowds) was found to be in his possession. He claims he didn’t know why he kept it.

Typically these items are kept as a type of trophy amongst the Antifa crowd.

Grosskreutz claimed that he was concerned for his safety while in the hospital after being shot. The defense objected on hearsay grounds, but the judge permitted him to go on, provided the jury understood that what he was saying was not to be taken as a fact of the matter.

Grosskreutz claimed that he was cooperating with law enforcement however he never permitted law enforcement access to his phone.

During cross-examination, Grosskreutz was questioned about telling law enforcement that he had dropped his gun. He couldn’t remember saying that.

Grosskreutz was shown his signed statement made to law enforcement and further questioned. He finally admitted that he didn’t drop his firearm as claimed but refused to acknowledge chasing Kyle Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz admits that his pending civil suit where he wants the City of Kenosha to pay him 10 million dollars, does not mention that he had a firearm in his hand aimed at Kyle Rittenhouse, prior to him being shot.

Grosskreutz denies being a member of “Our Wisconsin Revolution” and “the People’s Revolution” (leftist activist groups), yet admits that he spoke at one of their events and has “associations” with the groups.

Grosskreutz admits to illegally concealing and carrying a firearm and that charges have not been brought against him.

Grosskreutz describes himself as running in the same direction as Kyle Rittenhouse. He is shown a photo where he admits reaching to retrieve his concealed firearm, while 30+ feet away from Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz stated that he would not give permission to law enforcement to access his phone. He also stated that Detective Antaramian did not advise him that law enforcement had a warrant to do so.

Grosskreutz admits that Kyle Rittenhouse shot and “vaporized” his bicep, only after he approached Rittenhouse while aiming a firearm at him.

The defense gotcha moment. The defense questioned Grosskreutz about not having regrets stemming from the night of August 25, 2020, referring to a Facebook post and comment made by his friend and former roommate Jacob Marshall.

The prosecution objected and the court took a recess for lunch to address the matter. Judge Schroeder permitted the defense to question Grosskreutz about the comment but will not allow the defense to show the post to the jury.

While discussing the matter, the defense pointed out that Marshall was in court as a spectator but had left during the line of questioning. However before he left, Marshall was served with a subpoena and will be forced to testify on Wednesday.

Grosskreutz was questioned about making the inflammatory statement

“My only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him. Coward.”

Grosskreutz denied making the statement.

Marshall will be questioned on Wednesday.

The State called Heather Williams to the stand. Williams is a firearms and tool mark examiner for the Wisconsin Crime Lab.

Williams testimony went as expected and she verified that the bullets that killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and the bullet that injured Gaige Grosskreutz were fired by Kyle Rittenhouse’s gun.

The State called Jason Krueger to the stand. Krueger is a Kenosha Police Officer and was riding with officer Moretti the night of August 25, 2020.

Earlier in the trial Moretti testified that Krueger pepper sprayed Kyle Rittenhouse while he was attempting to surrender to police.

Officer Krueger’s testimony included a major contradiction.

Kyle Rittenhouse was a threat while walking armed with his hands up.

Many other people were not a threat, walking armed with their hands up.

Krueger pepper sprayed Rittenhouse but did not recall if it got him.

The State calls Christan Harris to the stand. Harris is a self-described reporter and talk radio host for “the Run Down Live”. Harris was present in Kenosha and took video during the night of August 25, 2020.

Harris describes his live streaming setup as being his phone and states that it is a “high-end device”.

Defense attorney Chirafisi “At first you say, “This whole crowd could burn you guys alive if you say the wrong thing” is that right”?

Harris “That is correct”

Chirafisi “Why did you say that?”

Harris “I wanted to deescalate the situation.”

The State Called Detective Ben Antaramian to the stand.

See previous posts from last week concerning Antaramian for more information regarding alleged corruption among the Antaramian family in the Kenosha community.

ADA Binger presented new drone video during Detective Antaramian’s testimony. More evidence supplied by the prosecution that likely helps the defense.

More on this later in the thread.

Detective Antaramian testified that ADA Binger advised him not to serve a signed search warrant on Gaige Grosskreutz which would allow law enforcement to access his phone.

Detective Antaramian testified that Gaige Grosskreutz would not cooperate with law enforcement and refused to answer any questions posed to him.

More on the new drone video.

Detective Antaramian claims that he can see Kyle Rittenhouse interact with the Ziminski’s before running away from Joseph Rosenbaum.

Personally I can’t see that, even zoomed in. Nor can I make out Kyle for until Rosenbaum is chasing him.

Joseph Rosenbaum yells “shoot me n****r, shoot me n****r!” at a Black Lives Matter protest.

Court then adjourned for the evening and will resume tomorrow when the State is expected to wrap up their presentation.

New aerial drone video presented today. I did the best I could with a screen grab; added filters, and adjusted levels to enhance and help show detail.

White: Kyle Rittenhouse
Yellow: Joseph Rosenbaum

New aerial drone video presented today. I did the best I could with a screen grab; added filters, and adjusted levels to enhance and help show detail.

Someone commented inquiring how Detective Antaramian could see Kyle Rittenhouse point his rifle at the Ziminski’s. The simple answer is, he didn’t.

Mind you that this is a screen capture and not the source but at this distance the quality is lost.

Stabilized video.

Adding this post here because @bevo_fox has did some amazing work with video presentation and laying out other information regarding Kyle Rittenhouse.

Seriously these videos are amazing!

Should have been working for the defense.

Last version. As Detective Antaramian would have viewed it.

Did Kyle raise his rifle at Ziminski?

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