John Curtis Profile picture
News / politcal junky • true crime addict • trial connoisseur • drone pilot • technology guru • sometimes I meme what I say.
Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A meteor impacted Earth at 2:59 UTC. View of Brighton Pier and beach from the Queens Hotel
Oct 21, 2022 41 tweets 13 min read
Brooks argued about any and every thing he could possibly mumble. He claimed the witnesses available were in the wrong order. He was stated that he wanted Detective Guth available for further questioning later. Brooks continued playing his usual disruptive games.

Brooks “I don’t take this as a game.. you ain’t gotta explain nothing to me.. it is unfair.. your life is not on the line. MINE IS!! *shakes finger at the judge*”
Oct 21, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Darrell Brooks trial - Day 12 Court expected to resume at 8:30a cst

Today we will hear testimony from more of the remaining 9 witnesses for Brooks. We will also surely hear more sovereign citizen garbage — And Brooks will likely waste the court’s time by asking witnesses irrelevant questions multiple times.
Oct 20, 2022 47 tweets 15 min read
Darrell Brooks trial - Day 11 Get your popcorn ready!! Today has every sign of being an amazingly crazy show. This morning the State will rest their case and from there who knows where things might go.

Court starts at 8:45a cst Image
Oct 19, 2022 49 tweets 16 min read
Darrell Brooks trial - Day 10 Today the jury is scheduled to go offsite to view Brooks’ SUV that he drove through the Christmas Parade, killing 6 and injuring 62 others. The State is expected to rest their case sometime this afternoon as well, provided that Brooks doesn’t interfere with the schedule.
Oct 18, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
Darrell Brooks trial - Day 9 Brooks read his entire Bible in 20 seconds.
Oct 17, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
Rider testified that he permitted Brooks to come into his home and use his phone, presumably to call Uber. He also gave Brooks a coat and a sandwich and was going to give him a pair of slippers. Rider became suspicious and asked Brooks to wait outside at which point he requested his phone and coat back. Another Ring video shows the event.
Oct 17, 2022 34 tweets 11 min read
Darrell Brooks trial - Day 8

Court to resume at 8:30a cst today.

At this time the prosecution is expected to wrap everything up today and hopefully rest their case later today or early tomorrow. It depends on how much of the court’s time Darrell Brooks wastes. Brooks appeared wearing his suit, a blue shirt, a blue tie, and a face mask. In typical fashion Brooks again stated that he is not himself but rather a third party representing himself and again advised the court that he does not consent to being called by that name (Brooks) Image
Jul 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A 14 yo black kid illegally possessing a firearm, shot and killed a White man who approached the group of harassing window washers after an altercation with the group on the street. Now the victim is being called a “Suspected White supremacist” without cause. This is a typical run-in with a squeegee harasser.

Jul 14, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
A 6 hour standoff in Minneapolis between an armed black man (20’s) and police concluded with an Officer Involved Shooting (OIS). It is believed that suspect fired at police prior to being shot. The suspect was transported to a hospital where he died. People claiming to know the suspect and his family have identified him as Andrew Sundberg (aka Tekle Alemu Lonse, lil.s6ix) and claim that he was having a mental breakdown. Photos from Sundberg’s social media suggest he was anti-police and likely criminal. ImageImageImageImage
Jul 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Users posting or commenting on #4chan threads about the #HunterBiden iOS discoveries are being banned and threads are being closed. However the floodgates are open. The files are now in the hands of countless anons. Account claiming to be Aaron Anderson from CNN evidence gathering room requests that 4chan anons answer the following questions. It didn’t go over well with the anons.
Nov 23, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial - A Tale of Two Videos

Did the prosecution purposely SABOTAGE the defense?

A thread Where did the original video file originate?

On August 25, 2020, Brandon Beamon used a drone to capture video of the riots and unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Beamon was working for a now dissolved company ‘UrbanAired’ which likely violated FAA laws that night.
Nov 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Wisconsin State Crime lab evidence report detailing the creation of the 6 AI enhanced video files.

I do not personally see anything nefarious in this report but do not know what to make of the differences in the file name for the video that was received. The long file name (listed first) is a typical file name that an Apple device would use.

The other name is likely a date/time associated with the original file. But for this to be true the drone would have continued to record after the shooting for several minutes.
Nov 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Manufactured Miracle evidence.

That’s what the prosecution did in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Four days into the trial a man who refused to be identified transferred a video file to a detective. Then Det Antaramian testified that he could see Rittenhouse aiming at Ziminski. Then it’s off to the state crime lab to “enhance” the video. They of course did this while sharing a 4x lesser quality version with the defense team. Millions of pixels/details were added during the “enhancing” process. Later they further “enhanced” 4 still images from the video.
Nov 17, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
This is likely a question that we will never have an acceptable answer to.

Detective Antaramian testified that the drone video was sourced from “UrbanAired” this is the only testimony regarding the videos origin.

Nothing about the type of drone. Nothing about the pilot. Detective Antaramian first learned about the drone video after the video was played during a segment on Fox News.

The twitter account @freekyleusa posted about the Fox clip months ago and in later posts questioned if the prosecution was withholding evidence (the original).
Nov 17, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Day 13 Court is expected to resume at 9:00 am CST when the jury will return to deliberations.

Yesterday the jury deliberated the entire day from roughly 9:00a-6:00p

@JackPosobiec reported yesterday that two jurors are holding up a verdict decision due to threats of violence.
Nov 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Day 12 Image Court will begin at 9:00 am CST when 12 of the remaining 18 jurors will be randomly selected to determine Rittenhouse’s fate.

The 12 chosen will begin deliberations while the other 6 will remain at the courthouse should an alternate be required.
Nov 15, 2021 56 tweets 18 min read
Judge Schroeder warned the prosecution of the danger of the inclusion of the doctored images.

Schroeder “..or which phone I’m going to buy… this is being used to decide if someone’s innocent or guilty of a crime…”

Schroeder “this is going to fall like a house of cards.” This is one of the doctored images admitted into evidence. I use the word doctored bc the image was created using AI algorithms to insert pixels where pixels did not previously exist. This was done purposely push a false narrative that Rittenhouse aimed his rifle.
Nov 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Day 11 This morning we expect to hear Judge Schroeder give the jury instructions and hear closing statements from the prosecution and defense.

2.5 hours has been allotted to both sides for statements. The prosecution will split their time between their first and rebuttal arguments.
Nov 11, 2021 39 tweets 11 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Day 8 Today we will likely hear more on the defense motion to dismiss with prejudice, which was brought up yesterday with the defense claiming prosecution misconduct.

See yesterday’s thread for detailed information.
Nov 10, 2021 67 tweets 21 min read
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Day 8 Today we are expecting to hear from Jacob Marshall, friend and former roommate of Gaige Grosskreutz. Marshall was a spectator in the courtroom Monday while Grosskreutz was testifying and was served with a subpoena to appear. He will be questioned about social media posts.