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Nov 8, 2021, 8 tweets

🔴MPs are holding an emergency debate on Parliamentary standards as the government continues to come under fire over allegations of 'sleaze'

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Sir Lindsay Hoyle rebukes the conduct of MPs as he says: "I regret to say I don’t think the House has been at its best in the way it’s handled the standards issues over the last week"…

Steve Barclay, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, says:

🗣️"I would like to express my regret - and that of my ministerial colleagues - over the mistake made last week"…

🔴The Government will not table a motion on Owen Paterson's conduct.

Steve Barclay claims that it will "not be possible" to sanction a motion about an MP who has already resigned…

🔴 Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, says:

"Rather than repairing the damage he has done, the Prime Minister is running scared. When required to lead, he's chosen to hide"…

Sir Keir Starmer says Boris Johnson has violated 'basic decency'

🗣️"The British people were let down and the former member for North Shropshire was let down, used as a pawn in an extraordinary attack on our Commissioner for Standards"…

Sir Starmer calls on the PM to make 3 commitments:

1⃣To ensure that Rob Roberts faces a recall petition

2⃣To ensure that no MP found guilty of "egregious breaches" receives a peerage

3⃣To commit to a full investigation into contracts awarded to Randox…

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