Jesse D. Jenkins Profile picture
Macro-energy systems engineering, optimization, and policy. Prof. @EPrinceton (MAE) & @AndlingerCenter. Leads ZERO Lab. Co-host SHIFT KEY pod. More at link 👇

Nov 8, 2021, 8 tweets

How many EVs does each state need on the road in 2030? How much land will solar or wind need? How large will the energy workforce be?
@Princeton Net-Zero America study FINAL REPORT is out & our state-level data viewer can answer these and other questions

Also NEW in the Net-Zero America final report:
1. A summay report excerpting key findings from the 348 slide full report.

2. Dozens of new sensitivity cases to explore the impact of key uncertainties (see Annex B for detailed info).

3. Detailed mapping or "downscaling" of wind, solar & transmission build-out for more pathways (plus an updated city-to-city transmission planning optimization method).

4. More extensive analysis of the air pollution and public health impacts and benefits of a net-zero energy transition (led by @ErinNMayfield, now a prof. at @dartmouth)

5. A new discussion on trade-offs and key challenges in the pathways to net-zero (which became a frequent focus of our public seminars/briefings on the report since the interim report was released in December 2020).

6. Highlighting four key risks or "failure modes" that could derail the net-zero transition, which emerge from our study. These failure modes and thoughts on how to overcome them are the subject of a NEW @Joule_CP commentary by the NZA authors out now:…

7. Final and updated annexes with details on methodologies developed and used in the Net-Zero America study, which you can find at

8. And of course, some error correction/typo fixes etc. Most notable error: a bug in our manufacturing employment estimates which increased estimated solar & wind manufacturing employment in the Interim Report. Does not affect topline job numbers but does change mfg results.

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