Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Nov 8, 2021, 12 tweets

🧵Some one is spending a lot of money and resources on this

In unrelated news Patrick Fagan former head psychologist of Cambridge Analytica is in multiple disinformation groups

C19Assembly set up to gift over a deaths audit they claims would prove most covid deaths weren't covid deaths

Now an unverified annonnymous reporting form for adverse reactions, interesting bunch of characters

HART, the hub of crap thats feeds into US For Them, UK MF Alliance and others

Here we can see the support Fagan provides for disinformation groups

"Its all false positives..."

What the same names again?
Hmm almost like a small group of shit stirrers are mass producing disinformation groups...almost like how campaigns working with Cambridge Analytica operated..

Must be a coincidence...

Here's a treat for everyone

Pandata, think HARTs big brother, less reach in UK but older with reach elsewhere joint members and even joint meeting with HART

What a crowd, and look at their links...

Thats the Pandata Science Advisory Board, of course there is also the larger Pandata Team

Cracking event last year, Young and Furedi from Spiked crowd, GBD/Collateral Global lot and antivaxxers

Same names over and over

Artificial pushing of herd immunity with GBD, now someone is pushing antivax


People screaming loudest for Freedom and to return to normal are the ones prolonging this pandemic. The same ppl who shouted loudest for the sovereignty of Parliament are the ones undermining democracy for the agenda of foreign billionaires.

They bought the CRG, coopted Brady the chair of the 1922, Halfon the Education Select chair, bought an APPG, provide evidence to Parliamentry committees, brief MPs and have secret meetings, get praised in Parliament and now have a Bill in progress

And vast majority of the media are either seemingly oblivious or actively supporting the disinformation.
For instance Nawaz and Julia Hartley-Brewer have actually attended a Pandata meeting, as for Lucy Johnson...

Its the #TuftonOfCovid

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