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Nov 9, 2021, 10 tweets

🔴Poland has sealed part of its border with Belarus.

Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki warned that the attempted crossing of thousands of migrants posed a threat to the "security of the entire EU"…

🇧🇾Belarus has responded by warning Poland against escalating tensions on the border, saying Warsaw's treatment of migrants would be a "litmus test" of its commitment to international norms…

➡️After being spotted massing on the Polish-Belarusian border on Monday and trying to break through barbed wire, around 4,000 migrants camped out on the Belarus side in freezing overnight temperatures…

🔴 "Alexander Lukashenko is ruthlessly weaponising migrants - just as he promised"

Read the latest analysis from @CampbellMacD ⬇️…

🇧🇾Alexander Lukashenko has warned that "nuclear superpower" Russia could be dragged into the escalating border crisis with Brussels…

🔴 President Lukashenko’s intervention came after he was accused by the European Commission of acting like a “gangster” by using migrants as political pawns…

🔴Alexander Lukashenko said he would no longer prevent migrants and drugs from entering Europe back in June.

Travel agents are offering Iraqis and Syrians package trips to Belarus with advertisements implying they can travel on to seek work in Europe…

🇷🇺Amid the mounting border crisis, Russia has publicly called on the EU to pay Belarus to shoulder the burden for thousands of migrants waiting on the bloc’s external border…

🇵🇱A spokesman for Poland's special services said estimates showed there could be up to 12,000 migrants in Belarus waiting to be sent to the border…

📱As you approach Poland’s border with Belarus, a message flashes up.

“The Polish border is sealed. BLR authorities told you lies. Go back to Minsk! Don’t take any pills from Belarusian soldiers.”

Read the latest dispatch from @RolandOliphant ⬇️…

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