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Nov 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Facebook's parent company said it had unblocked the hashtag for celebrity chef Nusret Gokce's nickname #saltbae' 1/6

Having found the tag had been blocked globally days after a video was posted online of him feeding a gold-encrusted steak to a senior Vietnamese Communist Party official in London 2/6

'We've unblocked this hashtag on Facebook and we're investigating why this happened,' a spokesperson for Facebook operator Meta told Reuters, confirming the tag had been blocked for all Facebook users around the world, not just in Vietnam 3/6

It wasn't immediately clear why the tag had been blocked, and the spokesperson declined to comment on potential reasons.

While it was blocked, a search for the hashtag generated a message saying community standards had been violated 4/6

In a U.S. Congress hearing earlier this year, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said artificial intelligence plays a major role in 'content moderation,' responsible for taking down more than 90% of content deemed to be against Facebook guidelines 5/6

The video, originally posted on Gokce's official TikTok account, showed Vietnam's Minister of Public Security, To Lam, filmed last week being fed a gold leaf encrusted steak by the Instagram-famous chef 6/6

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