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Nov 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Since the time sewing machine was invented, it has been synonymous with survival and liberation of women across cultures. A thread on few powerful images of women around the globe with her humble sewing machine - 1/n

#1 Refugee women in Peshawar carrying her sewing machine - 2/n

#2 A Mahafaly woman carrying a sewing machine on her head. Southern Madagascar - 3/n

#3 A Muslim woman carrying a sewing machine in Kuwait, 1955 - 4/n

#4 Woman with a sewing machine, Bassar, Togo. Remember, a cast iron sewing machine would weigh from anywhere between 20 and 30Lb (By DEA / M. BORCHI) - 5/n

#5 A Woman walking with her Sewing Machine on her head in the 1970s, fearing it might be damaged by potential attacks in Tripoli, Libya (By Keystone-France) - 6/n

#6 A woman makes her way through downtown Port-au-Prince, Haiti, carrying her sewing machine on her head, 2003 (By ROBERT SULLIVAN) - 7/n

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