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News / politcal junky • true crime addict • trial connoisseur • drone pilot • technology guru • sometimes I meme what I say.

Nov 9, 2021, 40 tweets

The Kyle Rittenhouse Trail

Day 7

The State, led by assistant district attorney Thomas Binger, is expected to finish presenting their case and today.

Will the State call husband and wife Joshua and Kelly Ziminski to the stand?

Joshua Ziminski’s actions that were captured on video that night.

Commenters have inquired “How far did Joseph Rosenbaum chase Kyle Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse was forced to shoot him?”

Answer: Roughly 155’.

This is a google earth image of the Car Source 3 lot where the incident occurred. Using video evidence I mapped Kyle’s rough path.

Judge Bruce Schroeder stated that someone was recording video of the jury this morning. He said the person was told to delete the photo and that if it happened again the court would confiscate the phone.

Fixing threads. Added new video to wrong thread.

The State calls James Armstrong to the stand. Armstrong is a senior image forensics specialist with the Wisconsin State Crime Lab.

Armstrong testified that he enhanced and slowed the new aerial drone video that was presented yesterday. The new enhanced video was played for the jury.

I will update with the higher definition, enhanced video later.

The State calls Doctor Doug Kelley to the stand. Kelley is a forensic pathologist employed by the Milwaukee County Medical Examiners Office.

Doctor Kelley testified that Joseph Rosenbaum suffered a gunshot wound to the hand and that the skin was covered in soot.

This would imply that Rosenbaum’s hand was directly in front of the barrel of Kyle Rittenhouse’s rifle, at a very close range.

Doctor Kelley described Joseph Rosenbaum as having entrance gunshot wounds to the front of the body, the right groin, the upper back, and a graze wound to the right side of the face.

Defense attorney Mark Richards takes on the first round of cross-examinations today with Doctor Kelley, after spending the entirety of the proceedings yesterday sitting at the defense table.

Doctor Kelley testifies that Joseph Rosenbaum’s left hand was over the barrel of Kyle Rittenhouse’s rifle when Rittenhouse fired.

Doctor Kelly testifies that Anthony Huber used his skateboard to strike Kyle Rittenhouse in the back of his head.

A snippet of the aerial drone footage that was enhanced by the Wisconsin State Crime Lab.

During Dr Kelley’s testimony attorney Richards questioned him while attempting to position his body akin to how Rosenbaum was when he was shot by Rittenhouse. Judge Schroeder requested that photographers capture the moment and submit the photos to the court for the record.

The prosecution rests.

Prior to breaking for lunch the State prosecutor ADA Thomas Binger stated that it is the State’s intention to rest their case.

A quick discussion about a witness testimony being stricken and about a motion to dismiss a charge for curfew violation.

Court has resumed. Count 7, breaking the curfew that was in effect has been dismissed by Judge Schroeder. The State failed to prove that a curfew was actually in place.

The Defense calls Nicholas Smith to the stand. Smith was one of the people patrolling/guarding the Car Source locations in Kenosha, WI August 25, 2020.

Smith testified that Anmol (Sam) Khindri called him and requested that he and friends help with fires burning at Car Source on August 24, 2020. The next day Sam also requested that Smith and friends guard the properties and gave them keys to the facility.

Upon arriving at Car Source, Sam gave Smith a hug and said that he would pay Smith and friends for guarding the locations. Sam’s brother Sahil (Sal) Khindri, gave Smith and a few others a ride from one location to another and gave them the keys to the facility.

The Defense calls JoAnn Fiedler to the stand. Fiedler started a group called “United Citizens of Patriotism” to support the community while BLM/Antifa were destroying communities across the nation.

Fielder “…BLM..started destroying their own communities and I didn’t believe in that…Somebody’s got to stand up.”

Fielder discussing her thoughts about the riots of 2020.

Fiedler drops the N bomb.

Fiedler testified that Joseph Rosenbaum stated “I will kill you mother f**king ni**ers and cut your hearts out!” multiple times.

She also testified that Rosenbaum attacked her and others with a homemade gas bomb.

Binger attempts a couple of gotcha moments while questioning Fiedler and fails.

The Defense called Nathan DeBruin to the stand. DeBruin is a lifelong Kenosha resident and a freelance photographer/ videographer.

DeBruin examines a photo he captured of Joseph Rosenbaum burning road cones while holding a raised fist and a “bag like you would get when you just get out of jail”.

DeBruin testified that he witnessed the interactions between Rittenhouse, Jump-kick man, Huber, and Grosskreutz.

He stated that he witnessed Huber strike Rittenhouse with his skateboard and attempt to take Rittenhouse’s rifle.


State sponsored tampering

DeBruin describes that he was originally supposed to testify for the State but that Binger attempted to coach and pressure him into changing his written statement.

When he wouldn’t do so the State no longer wanted him to be a witness.

The prosecution came out guns blazing, attempting to get DeBruin to change his testimony or otherwise perjure himself.

Prosecutor “We didn’t ask you to change it”

DeBruin “you, yes you did”

The State alleged that DeBruin has a bias in the trial and continued to bully DeBruin with repetitive comments and questions. Judge Schroeder stopped the line of questioning after an objection by defense attorney Richards and sent the jury to break.

DeBruin testifies to being anxious and being made to wait for detectives when he made his police report concerning the night of August 25, 2020.

“I walked through a police station that didn’t even have a door, there was glass on the ground… …I have photos don’t worry”

The prosecution continued to bully DeBruin while he was on the stand. Judge Schroeder interrupted the line of questioning and corrected the prosecution.

DeBruin “Yeah, so make sure you say what I’m saying!”

DeBruin “I know how firearms work. The slide would have stayed back if there was no ammunition it it.”

Prosecutor “But did you watch him load the gun?”

DeBruin “No”

The State continued their fishing expedition until Judge Schroeder stopped them once again.

Prosecutor “do you consider handguns or chains more dangerous?”

The Defense called Lucas Zanin to the stand. Zanin is a lifelong resident of Kenosha, Wisconsin and is a Real Estate Agent.

He and his step daughter witnessed and recorded rioters destroying vehicles in the Car Source lot at the same time that Kyle Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum.

Zanin “Rioters had burned dozens of buildings, small businesses… I was very upset that these rioters were destroying my town, burning my town…”

“The night that Kyle was chased and attacked”

Zanin said he hoped that rioters would be prosecuted because of his video.

Court is adjourned for the evening.

New “Enhanced” HD video of Joseph Rosenbaum / Rittenhouse.

This is a screen capture and edit of the two new videos shown in the trial today.

Added filters to the first video to match second. Other video adjustments. Attempted to stabilize. Still lots of motion blur.

Here is the article that Kraus harassed DeBruin about.

Writing about an event that transpired does not suggest absolute bias.…

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