Mario Klingemann 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Artist, Neurographer, AI Prompteur, Coder, Purveyor of Systems, Data Dumpster Diver, Information Recycler

Nov 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Got my work cut out for me today: Hanging the artworks for our #NowYouSeeMeNowYouDont show that opens tomorrow.

Now the question is of course - what's the size of @heikomuller's painting?

From here on out it should be a smooth ride.

<voiceover> "But he had not counted on the laser batteries dying on him and the replacements he brought to be empty..."

The cavalry has arrived!

We made it! Opening of "Now You See Me Now You Don't" is tomorrow at 6 pm at the beautiful Orangerie inside the English Garden in Munich. Just for 5 days...

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