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Nov 9, 2021, 7 tweets

The sheer beauty and depth of our faith can alone make a man with a comfortable career in USA to quit everything and venture into something like this place and for what- to do Sadhana…….to understand himself and his karma and the supernatural force that guides our being!

Won’t be writing names and the context but the place is Satopanth lake, situated amidst snow-capped peaks at 16,000 feet above MSL and at a distance of 22 kms ahead of Sri Badrinath Ji.

5 Sadhus / Sadhvi were doing sadhana in the region when it started snowing and all the routes were cut off. Faith in Narayana and that He will rescue them, kept them going!

The voice in the video proves how these holy men were calm amidst all this- power of Sadhana is what keeps them going!

These holy men were left with only few day’s kerosene and provisions…I have videos- that i m not sharing as they have their faces- showing all of them doing bhajan-keertan… soothing those videos are

Route to Sarovar or lake was also blocked - so they used to melt ice in the sun for their use

Today all of them came back after being stranded there for several days…..happy for them. Satya Sanatan Dharm ki Jai!

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