David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Nov 9, 2021, 7 tweets

So, uh, today’s #COVID19 update from @mnhealth begins with these ominous words: "COVID-19 new case growth over this past weekend exceeded the intake capacity of our current staffing.” Up to several thousand cases not yet processed. Even w/out these, cases still up since last Tues

@mnhealth In other words: tomorrow’s report is going to be *bad*.

#COVID19 hospitalizations are rising all around the state.

@mnhealth Cases are particularly high in west-central Minnesota.

The outbreak is *relatively* mild in Hennepin/Ramsey, but still considerably elevated from where we were a month or two ago (let alone this summer).

@mnhealth Minnesota’s not alone in seeing a surge in reported #COVID19 cases. Almost every other state in the region has seen cases tick upward in recent days and weeks.

@mnhealth Turning to vaccinations, see that little uptick in first doses? That’s the kiddos.

The initial wave of 5-11 vaccinations is only going to pick up more as reports get processed, for the rest of this week at least.

@mnhealth Here’s another look at the arrival of 5-11-year-old vaccinations:

@mnhealth Here’s how cases and positivity rate line up compared to last year. As you can see, some similarities, some differences.

So far, this current surge is not QUITE as intense as the November 2020 surge.

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