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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Nov 9, 2021, 8 tweets

Did you ever want to know way too much about Project Looking Glass? Well boy howdy, are you in luck. Suggested and voted on by my patrons, but 🔓 for all.

While I owe a debt of gratitude to all my patrons, I want to extend a special thanks to those patrons at the Ragged Flock level or higher. Thank you!

The myth of Project Looking Glass is largely the creation of four men, their stories told and re-told by believers for years.

Bob Lazar introduced the concept in the 1980s, linking it to time dilation that has something to do with FTL propulsion. Importantly, Lazar says “I do not mean looking back years ago to see the wagon train days.”

That would change when others took up Lazar's baton.

Dan Burisch told his story in the early 2000s, saying Looking Glass had now been engineered into a machine that *could* see the wagon train days. Future humans from the year 45,000 CE were manipulating events on Earth to steer the planet onto their own preferred timeline.

David Wilcock added to the story in the late 2000s, describing the psychic interface and linking Looking Glass to Dec 21, 2012. Observing past 2012 caused the operator to have a mindbending experience as multiple timelines suddenly became possible with no predetermined outcome.

Finally, Bill Wood appeared in the early 2010s and contradicted Wilcock, saying that instead, December 21, 2012 was not a branching off point of possibilities, but instead multiple timelines contracting into a single immutable future that could no longer be altered.

The entire story of Project Looking Glass was supposed to end in 2012, with the device now useless. But believers, and eventually QAnon, ignored the 2012 cutoff and have continued to keep the myth afloat.

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