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Nov 10, 2021, 14 tweets

Checking out #Epstein's butler's facebook.
Valdson Cotrin was his butler, driver in Paris for a long time.

A long thread with some interesting photos I've dug up on Epstein's butler.

@Agenthades1 has a lot of info about the butler.

He worked for the trust.

So does this mean that the apartment Sotheby's said was not Epstein's was because it was owned by a trust? So technically not #epstein's at this point in time?

More from @Agenthades1 on Valdson.

Valdson's facebook is open to see his photographs.
Photos matching those put up by Sotheby's appear from May 13 2018 way back to 2016.
Here he is in 2014 Hotel Bristol Paris. Where #Epstein used to stay and had his own landline and fax in a room.…

His photos through 2015 show renovation painting work and views from the top floor apartment of the building.

But lets look at the photos that match Sotheby's. And take a close look at the furniture and decor. The seats and the light fitting are the same. And the mirrored doors.
May '17 notice the seats. Eyeball close up from 2018

Let's look at the lounge room. Valdson's in the room in July 2016. Notice the cabinet and the drapes.
Notice the pair of lounges around the fireplace.

So Valdson worked in the same apartment that is for sale. Did he work for someone else?
Would #Epstein have allowed his butler to work for someone else, someone who also lived in Ave Foch?
Valdson picking people up from the airport in Paris.
April 2018, July '18.

There in the background is #epstein's GulfStream GV-SP registered to Plan D LLC, tail number N212JE.
His FB also features airport pick up from 2016.

Check out the comment on this plane pic!

But it's not just Paris, nor his visits home to Brazil, in 2015 he was in New York, and is that a photo of #epstein's mansion I spy, tagged with Valdson's wife's name?
Oh yes it is.

Valdson also took a few selfies with famous people.
Can you guess who this is in Dec 2016?
#MIT #NoamChomsky?

Now some weird decor.
But go and have a look at Valdson's open facebook page.
I've featured a heap of photos taken from that over the past week. Including Valdson with the former Norwegian Prime Minister and former Nobel Prize chair Jagland who met with #Epstein and #BilLGates

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