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News / politcal junky • true crime addict • trial connoisseur • drone pilot • technology guru • sometimes I meme what I say.

Nov 10, 2021, 67 tweets

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Day 8

Today we are expecting to hear from Jacob Marshall, friend and former roommate of Gaige Grosskreutz. Marshall was a spectator in the courtroom Monday while Grosskreutz was testifying and was served with a subpoena to appear. He will be questioned about social media posts.

Prediction regarding Marshall’s testimony.

Marshall will likely state that Grosskreutz didn’t make the inflammatory statement about wishing he had killed Rittenhouse. He will claim that he made the conversation up in an attempt to make himself somehow appear cool.

Kyle Rittenhouse waits for the jury to enter the court.

The Defense called Jacob Marshall to the stand. Marshall is a friend and former roommate of Gaige Grosskreutz.

Marshall was questioned about an inflammatory social media post that he made and attributed statements to Gaige Grosskreutz in. Marshall denied that Grosskreutz making the statements.

Marshall continued denying that Grosskreutz made the statements saying that he made it all up.

Marshall claims that after he was served a subpoena at court on Monday, that he received many new social media friend requests, and it was frightening.

Marshall claims that he deleted the inflammatory Facebook post because he was worried people might “try to twist it” as if saying that the post and comments would be taken out of context.

The Defense calls prosecution witness Anmol (Sam) Khindri, back to the stand.

Rittenhouse is going to testify. He is currently on the stand. Will continue thread shortly. Currently working with a single device.

The defense questioned Khindri about an interview conducted shortly after the destruction of the Car Source lots where Khindri claimed a loss of $2.5 million.

Wendy Rittenhouse looks on as Kyle Rittenhouse is sworn in to testify.

The Defense has called Kyle Rittenhouse to the stand. Rittenhouse is sworn in before giving his testimony.

Rittenhouse testified that the Khindri brothers were at the one of the Car Source lots when he and others arrived and that one brother gave Nick Smith keys. He and others also received a ride from one lot to another by Sahil (Sal) Khindri.

Defense attorney Richards asked Rittenhouse to describe the moment he was corned by Joseph Rosenbaum and Joshua Ziminski.

While answering, Rittenhouse began to audibly and very physically cry, clearly overcome by emotion, from the likely trauma of the event.

Court is on break

After the emotional breakdown Rittenhouse returned to the stand. Rittenhouse describes the moments leading up to Rosenbaum chasing him.

Rittenhouse “Ziminski told Mr Rosenbaum to get him, and kill him” (him being Rittenhouse)

Rittenhouse describes running away from Rosenbaum who was then chasing him. He described the the bag being thrown at him, believing it was the heavy chain he had previously witnessed Rosenbaum carrying.

Rittenhouse “I remember his hand on the barrel of my gun.”

Rittenhouse testified that he feared for his life when he shot Rosenbaum four times. He then stated he felt he needed to run to the police line down the road.

Rittenhouse “People were screaming kill him. People were screaming and I was just trying to get to police”

Rittenhouse testified that Anthony Huber attacked him with a skateboard, striking him in the back of the neck.

Rittenhouse describes being lightheaded after Huber struck him in the back of the head with the skateboard and when jump-kick man attacked him.

Rittenhouse “…he would have stomped my face in if I didn’t fire.”

Rittenhouse described Anthony Huber striking him in the head a second time with his skateboard and then trying to take his rifle, which resulted with Rittenhouse shooting him.

Rittenhouse “I fire one shot.”

Rittenhouse describes the rest of his encounter with Gaige Grosskreutz and why he shot him.

Rittenhouse “His pistol is pointed at me and that’s when I shoot him.”

Rittenhouse describes trying to turn himself into police who were down the street from where the shootings occurred.

Rittenhouse “The officer said get the fuck back or you’re going to get pepper-sprayed. Go home. Go home. Go home.”

Wendy Rittenhouse appears very emotional watching and listening to son Kyle Rittenhouse testify.

State Prosecutor ADA Thomas Binger began his round of questioning by asserting that Kyle Rittenhouse intended to kill Joseph Rosenbaum. Rittenhouse clarified that he only wanted to stop the threat.

Binger continued a line of questioning and statements that suggested Rittenhouse created his testimony based on other witness testimony and video played during the trial. Richards objected and Judge Schroeder condemned Binger.

Schroeder “this is a grave constitutional violation”

Binger appeared to suggest that Rittenhouse wanted to kill people because he played “Call of Duty”, a first-person shooter video game.

Rittenhouse “…it’s just a video game, it’s not real life.”

Binger displays this exhibit for the jury and questions Rittenhouse about the image.

This is a screenshot of Kyle Rittenhouse’s TikTok account prior to August 25, 2020.

I’m unsure what Binger’s reason for this line of questioning was. But now we know that Rittenhouse was a teenager with a TikTok account that wrote silly things.

Binger “…. four doors more whores”

Binger found himself in hot water with Judge Schroeder again. This time he was badgering Rittenhouse regarding the use of deadly force and protecting property. Binger knew that a statement Rittenhouse made prior was not to be mentioned. He did so anyway.

After the jury left the courtroom things became worse for ADA Binger. Defense attorney Richards stated that Binger is an experienced attorney and should know better.

Richards “.. I’ll be asking for a mistrial with extreme prejudice”


Schroeder “I’m not going to rehash the motion”


Schroeder “you aren’t going to tell me what the defense theory of the case is”


Binger “I’m attempting to impeach the witness on his beliefs”


Schroeder “don’t get brazen with me!”


Schroeder “do I make myself clear?!”


Mistrial with Prejudice requested by defense.

After returning from the break the Defense informed Judge Schroeder that they are filing for a mistrial with prejudice because of prosecutorial misconduct.

If granted this would end the trial and bar further prosecution.

The defense presented their motion for a mistrial with prejudice.

Binger responded to the motion bringing up a telephone interview Rittenhouse had given previously and alleged that Schroeder had left the door open to his lines of questioning in spite of Schroeder making a ruling earlier throughout the trial process.

Schroeder “come on man”

Binger requested to admit a photo of Rittenhouse wearing a shirt with the words “free as f*ck” written on it.

Binger “his behavior that night was to gain attention, to be famous, and he’s reaped the benefits of that”

Judge Schroeder is going to take the motion to dismiss into consideration and did not permit the photo to be admitted. The jury was returned to the courtroom and the trial continued.

Rittenhouse returned to the stand.

Binger “you decided you needed to run because the fire in the Duramax?”

Rittenhouse “yes”

Binger “why, what was so urgent”

Rittenhouse “it was a fire”

Binger asked Rittenhouse why he should go around putting out fires. Rittenhouse explained that he didn’t want to see his community burned or destroyed.

Binger continues the line of questioning claiming that Rittenhouse knew the rioters would not like or otherwise appreciate his efforts of helping the community, and asked if he knew that why he would do it anyway.

Binger “if you were going to help people, why would you expect anyone to hurt you?”

Rittenhouse “I don’t know”

Rittenhouse testified that his remark “yeah I did” to the man in yellow pants suggesting that he aimed his rifle at him. Rittenhouse insists that his remark was in sarcasm.

Binger stated his internet to playback the new enhanced aerial drone video on an iPad and planned to use the pinch to zoom feature on it to show certain areas of the video. Richards objected. The matter will be heard with the jury out of the room.

Judge Schroeder recalled that the video expert the State previously called informed the court that enhancing the video used algorithms to create and insert pixels.

Judge Schroeder ruled that the State must provide an expert to explain the process again before he would allow Binger to use the iPad and pinch-to-zoom.

After the break Binger chose to play the enhanced drone footage without the use of an iPad. He instead pushed a 4k tv in front of the jury.

Rittenhouse was asked if he raised and pointed his rifle at someone.

Same video as above but majorly zoomed in.

Binger “what was the risk to you of death or great bodily harm?”

Rittenhouse “if I would have allowed him to get my firearm from me, he would have used it and killed me with it and probably killed more people”

Binger (about Rosenbaum) “why did you point it at him if you didn’t intend to shoot him?”

Rittenhouse “he was chasing me, I was alone, he threatened to kill me…”

Rittenhouse “I continued to shoot until he was no longer a threat”

Binger questions why Rittenhouse didn’t help Rosenbaum after he shot him. Rittenhouse testified that the mob was closing in around him yelling to get him.

Rittenhouse claimed that he stumbled because he was struck in the back of the head by Anthony Huber with a skateboard. This caused him to become light headed.

Binger suggested that he was light headed because he was running.

Rittenhouse agreed that running did impact him.

Rittenhouse “that he would no longer be a threat”

Rittenhouse responds to what he believed would happen after he shot Anthony Huber after Huber attacked him with a skateboard and tried to take his rifle.

Rittenhouse pauses before answering a question regarding aiming his rifle at Gaige Grosskreutz and explains that Binger is using a still image to purposely misconstrue events.

Binger continuously attempted to claim and get Rittenhouse to admit that he was never in any danger.

Binger questions Rittenhouse about why he didn’t stop to render aid to Anthony Huber after he shot him.

Binger questions Rittenhouse about why he didn’t stop to render aid to Gaige Grosskreutz after he shot him.

Binger claims that Rittenhouse would have used his rifle to stop someone in the crowd had that person shot another individual. Rittenhouse responded that he wouldn’t. Richards had to finally object after Binger continued to badger the witness and Judge Schroeder stepped in.

Binger tries to suggest that Rittenhouse only turned himself into police because he was made aware that photos were circulating of him and that he had been identified.

This exchange concluded Rittenhouse’s testimony and testimony in general for the day.

Binger objected to a new report from the defense self-defense witness that is expected to take the stand tomorrow. Richards expressed that the only new addition to the report details information related to the new drone video Binger admitted days prior.

Court is adjourned for the day.

Which side was l Kyle Rittenhouse’s testimony beneficial too?

Did Kyle point his rifle at Ziminski?

I am only concentrating on the first 6 seconds of the crime lab enhanced video and again attempted to stabilize.

1. Stabilized with Circle Marker
2. Stabilized only
3. Stabilized and adjustment layer

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