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Nov 10, 2021, 21 tweets

Ok I found myself a new stupid game
(Could it’s a bit of a niche stupid game only for translators)
Set Google trad in Swedish, Norwegian or Icelandic langage

(How it started)

Oh for the live of whatever is up there
This is the funniest fail ever

This is a massacre

(Yes this is the original version)

Side note: It only works on my phone 🤷‍♀️

Oh wait probably I should provide the actual translation.
(I just love Google trad Scandinavian Russian)

My 9 years old’s take on this.

A story in 4 parts.

Be ready to be amazed
Scandinavian Russian has a message for you
(Not here, in the next tweet)
See how it makes no sense?

I rest my case.

(See how even software bugs are trying to warn us?)
Because, yeah, the translation bug is still there -in full force.

(Kid yelling “But pleaaaaaase mum” in the background)
(Since no one seems to care about this, guess the universe is sending personal messages now :-)

(Dinner is cooking)


(Get the kids away from the screen)
(Kid is frustrated I won’t tell him what it’s about)

Oh my God I’m dying
I want to see a movie entirely in Scandinavian Russian

It would be the hell of a movie (tho I guess subtitles would be needed).
(WTF is “we’m”?)

By the way

It’s like he wrote it.

Actual quote.
Guys I think I just found Boris Johnson’s native language.
Bugged translation makes more sense.

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