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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Nov 10, 2021, 5 tweets

BTW, if you were curious who this RW venture capitalist guy throwing money at 'left' people like Glem (who vehemently, angrily insists he is NOT being paid by Peter Thiel), well surprise, it's another Peter Thiel ally, who co-wrote an anti-diversity book with him.

But how dare you say he's paid by Peter Thiel or any other RW billionaire types. It's just a coincidence that he funds this platform...and What a smear.

Also completely a coincidence that I prop up all the faux-populists he's funding for Senate.

I'm sorry but this is all so fcking funny to me.

Glem: You are a paid shill beholden to XYZ donor who gave $500 to your non-profit
Also, Glem: Actually, Mr. Thiel is a benevolent and wise investor who just wants to maximize his profit. He has no bearing on my work.

I AM ACTUALLY LAUGHING. It's so ridiculous to even think this, I can't stop rolling on the floor "lmao'ing." Wow, these people are crazy for this one.

(BTW please do not notice that I did not answer the question).

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