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Nov 11, 2021, 8 tweets

🔴When the PM first sent us all home from the office 18 months ago, it was only ever meant to last 3 weeks.

Now, as the world of work creeps back to normal, it's a case of balancing priorities – choosing between career and lifestyle.

What is the true cost of working from home?

❓A recent survey reports what percentage of UK workers want to make remote working a permanent change?…

🏠A. 50%

Nearly half of UK workers now want to make remote working a permanent change…

❓On average, how much less work a day do people do working from home?…

⏳A. 20 minutes

On average, those WFH spent a good 20 minutes less on work.

People with children understandably experienced the greatest decrease, with their average working hours falling by 43 minutes in the first lockdown and 32 minutes in the second…

❓How many businesses are opting for a hybrid working model?…

↔️A. 1/3

In nearly a third of businesses, employees can now opt for a hybrid approach, picking and choosing how many days they would like to come in…

💼For many, WFH was proof that commuting into an office made them less efficient and less happy.

But what happens when your absence from the office starts to harm your career progression?

Read more👇…

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