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Nov 11, 2021, 9 tweets

We're hearing from a source that there's a protest at Prior Lake HS right now over the viral video circulating that shows a minor girl, reportedly from the Mdewakanton community, making repeated racial slurs and taunts toward another student.

Of course, the always available grifters are there.

Ope, Grifty Grifterson is also there (Cortez Rice, who filmed himself at Judge Regina Chu's condo door over the weekend to intimidate her into allowing cameras at the Kim Potter/Daunte Wright trial).

Now the grifters are harassing police.

Apparently, this idiot brought a sidearm onto school property and got escorted off the premises. The grifters were taking issue with the cops escorting him away, apparently having no clue that you can't bring guns onto school property. 🙄

The grifter narrating this video states that he knows the person has a permit to carry. So.......... whichever PTC trainer trained this idiot, you may want to check to make sure you're covering where you can't carry firearms in your classes. #Fail.

OMG, he's even got one of those fake "permit holder" badges around his neck. Someone needs to find out what trainer issued a permit to this guy.

Here's the cop explaining to the grifters that this is all school property and civilians are not allowed to carry a gun onto school property even with a permit to carry. (If you wish to do so, you must get permission from the school authority ahead of time).

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