Rachel Thomas Profile picture
MS Immunology student | Past: cofounder @FastDotAI, director USF Center Applied Data Ethics, math PhD | she/her

Nov 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Surveillance is best understood not simply as watching & monitoring, but as a calculated practice for managing & manipulating human behaviour.

Surveillance as governance: to what ends is surveillance undertaken, what forms of power operate. 1/

journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02… @pwh67

Classifications are not neutral. The way in which categories are defined and who defines them tell a story of power. 2/

Increasingly, populations are segmented & differentially treated. Surveillance sorts people into categories, assigning worth or risk, in ways that have real effects on their life chances. 3/

Those with ‘risky’ characteristics are subject to ever-greater monitoring, assessment, & acts of compliance-checking. They need to do more to prove & justify themselves simply because they ‘look’ like past transgressors. 4/

Above quotes are from "Targeted! Population Segmentation, Electronic Surveillance and Governing the Unemployed in Australia" by @pwh67

I recommend reading in full: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02… 5/

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