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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Nov 12, 2021, 7 tweets

"Pocari Sweachuu" in the Chuu pic only kkt group chat:

"Hello this is the pocari sweat marketing lead, as the making film was posted above, I thought I'd leave some unreleased pics and go"... (1/2)

... "We've prepared photocards and figures too so please enter, it was such a joy while we selected the pictures to use for them... I love you Chuu..."

T/N: today's making film was during the photoshoot for goods available on their new wellness habits app

From the description of the making film the November-limited-time goods available are:
Chuu x Pocari Sweat posters, in addition to 10 photocards and 5 figures (need to gain points on Sweat Market app. Offer ends Nov 30 KST)

Figure options 1-4 (img cr. luv1O20 for all)

Figure option 5
10 photocard options

PVC transparent photocard 90x60mm

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