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Nov 12, 2021, 11 tweets

A rebel Prince who declared himself Emperor.

An island caught in the crossfire.

But the "Emperor" trips up in a storm and the island becomes an expensive war booty.

Story in the evening ...

Isaakios was born around 1155. While his mother's name or his father's identity are unclear, what is certain is that his maternal grandfather was Isaakios Komnenos, son of Byzantine Emperor Joannes and his wife, Piroska (Eirene) of Hungary. 1/10

In 1143, on his deathbed Emperor Joannes nominated as heir his younger son, Manuel, although Isaakios was older. The relation between the brothers, Manuel and Isaakios, appear to have been contentious after the younger one became Emperor. 2/10

In 1174, Emperor Manuel send his grand nephew, Isaakios, to govern Cilicia. But this got him into conflict with the Principality of Armenia, who captured and imprisoned him. With the Emperor's death in 1180, his connection with Constantinople and chance for freedom weakened. 3/10

But his future brightened when Andronikos Komnenos effectively usurped Emperor Manuel's son, Alexios, from the throne. Theodora, the mistress of Andronikos and aunt of Isaakios, secured his release. However, Isaakios did not return to Constantinople. 4/10

Instead he went to Cyprus with a forged letter claiming to be the island's new Governor and took control of the island. In 1184, he declared himself to be the new Emperor. Andronikos, in the mean time, had his hands full in Constantinople. 5/10

In 1185, Andronikos had been killed and Isaakios Angelos was the new Emperor. Angelos dispatched a fleet to retrieve Cyprus, but they were captured by Margaritone of Brindisi. Isaakios managed to hold on to Cyprus, for the time being. 6/10

This changed in 1191 when soldiers from the west shipwrecked onto the island during a storm on the way to Levant. They were soon followed by Queen Joan of Sicily and Princess Berenguela of Navarre, sister and fiancé of King Richard of England. 7/10

Seeing his close ones in peril, King Richard soon followed. Before long Isaakios was captured and Cyprus was under new management. Isaakios was given as prisoner to the Knights Hospitallers, while the Knights Templar bought Cyprus. 8/10

The Knights Templar could not pay up for Cyprus and so, returned the island to Richard. The King then gave it another try. This time former King of Jerusalem came forward. Guy de Lusignan became the Lord of Cyprus in 1192 and after his death, his brother was crowned King. 9/10

Isaakios was freed around 1194. When Emperor Isaakios Angelos was deposed by his elder brother, Alexios, Isaakios launched a bid to seize the throne with the help of the Sultanate of Rûm, but the plan was a non starter because Isaakios died soon, likely poisoned. 10/10

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