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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Nov 12, 2021, 20 tweets

I'm a big fan of Jerome De Perlinghi, especially his portraits. Here's the great Hank Jones.
Unfortunately, most of these are undated.

Halle Berry by Jerome De Perlinghi

James Ivory by Jerome De Perlinghi

Rebecca Miller by Jerome De Perlinghi

J. K. Simmons by Jerome De Perlinghi

Morgan Freeman by Jerome De Perlinghi

Atom Egoyan by Jerome De Perlinghi

Two great directors by Jerome De Perlinghi: Jonathan Demme & David Lynch

Two fine actors by Jerome De Perlinghi: Brian Cox & Sandra Oh

Jacques Derrida by Jerome De Perlinghi

Here's a self-portrait by Jerome De Perlinghi

Spike Lee by Jerome De Perlinghi

John Hurt by Jerome De Perlinghi

Philip Glass by Jerome De Perlinghi

Frederick Wiseman by Jerome De Perlinghi

Studs Terkel by Jerome De Perlinghi

Gena Rowlands by Jerome De Perlinghi

Paul Auster by Jerome De Perlinghi

Deborah Harry by Jerome De Perlinghi

Such interesting faces!

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