Chris Turner 🇬🇧 🇦🇪 Profile picture
no longer an fpl account.

Nov 12, 2021, 19 tweets


If you like what you see pls ♻️👍and head over to
@netthathaul YouTube for more content from me and
@fpllens @Hibbo_FPL and @FPLNima

What are we waiting for? - become a hauler today

#FPL #NTH #Netthathaul

Firstly who's nailed right now?

Next for XPts90, max 50% rotation

XPts90, max 50% rotation L6

🥇Benteke (Pal) 7.2
🥈=Aubameyang (Ars). King (Wat) 5.8

Now for Overperform Actual Pts v XP

Overperform Actual Pts 90 v XP/90 - only 5 👀

🥇Jimenez (Wol) +1.28
🥈Iheanacho (Lei) +0.88
🥉Vardy (Lei) +0.84 👀🤣 (i own him !)

now the underperformers....

Under perform Actual Pts 90 v XP/90

🥇Benteke (Pal) -2.66 🤔🤔
🥈Toney (Bre) -2.07🤔
🥉Sargent (Nor) Auba (Ars) -2.00

now for value extrapolated for the last 6 (with Rotation) PPMR..

Value extrapolated for the last 6 (with Rotation) PPMR..

🥇Hwang (Wol) 31.7
🥈Jimenez (Wol) 28.9
🥉King (Wat) 28.3

Now for Xg90

Sorted by Xg90

🥇Benteke (Pal) 0.69
🥈Auba (Ars) 0.65
🥉King (Wat) 0.52

Now by Xa90

Sorted by Xa90

🥇Dennis (Wat) 0.36
🥈King (Wat) 0.32
🥉Antonio (WHU) 0.31

Now for Xi90

Sorted by Xi90

🥇Benteke (Pal) 0.92
🥈King (Wat) 0.84
🥉Auba (Ars) 0.77

now for Overperforming Involvements against expected

Overperforming Involvements against expected (Xi90)

🥇Jimenez (Wol) +0.40
🥈Iheanacho (Lei) +0.37
🥉Wilson (New) +0.21

and now underperformers basis returns..

Underperforming returns v Xi90

🥇Antonio (WHU) -0.38
🥈Benteke (Pal) -0.35
🥉Kane (Tot) -0.31

now for Big Chances

Sorted by Big Chances 90

🥇Benteke (Pal) 1.42
🥈King (Wat) 1.11
🥉Auba (Ars) 0.86

now for BCC90

Sorted by Big Chances Created 90

🥇Dennis (Wat) 0.54
🥈Kane (Tot) 0.50
🥉King (Wat) 0.44

Now for Shots on Target 90

Sorted by SOT 90

🥇Benteke (Pal) 3.12
🥈Antonio (WHU) 2.67
🥉Jesus (MCI) 2.62

Now for Headers 90

Sorted by Headed Chances 90

🥇Benteke (Pal) 1.70
🥈Toney (Bre) 0.83
🥉Wilson (New) 0.78

Now for BPS

Sorted by BPs

🥇Jimenez (Wol) 1.40
🥈Vardy (Lei) 1.27
🥉Iheanacho (Lei) 0.87

next lets summarise

So to summarise,

Who Tops the Table?

Benteke 6👀
Dennis 2
Jimenez 1
Hwang 1

Kane, Ronaldo & Vardy nowhere to be seen.....

Let the debate begin 👇👇

Check out the power tables on @netthathaul fri eve UK and catch me on @FPL_Penguin1 show later today

Hope you enjoyed this thread, if you did pls 👍♻️
@netthathaul Youtube, link in Bio, Find us on Instagram and follow the full team ! 📈💕

What are you waiting for?

#FPL #NTH #Netthathaul

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