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Nov 12, 2021, 8 tweets

🚨 The United States has warned European allies that Russia could be plotting to invade Ukraine in a repeat of the 2014 annexation of Crimea.

Tens of thousands of Russian troops have amassed near the border…

Senior Whitehall sources said that the Government was concerned and that there was "twitchiness" and "anxiety" among officials.

➡️The Kremlin claimed it had scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a British spy plane operating in the Black Sea region…

🇷🇺Russian forces, including elite units, are gathering near the Ukraine border, with some deployed covertly at night.

The invasion assessments are believed to be based on US intelligence not yet shared with Europe, multiple sources told Bloomberg…

🗣️US officials warned Moscow against making a "serious mistake" amid the build-up of troops.

The Kremlin has denied it is an aggressor and has accused the US and its Nato allies of provocation…

🇷🇺Russia's defence ministry claimed the incident involving a British plane was part of a wider uptick in military activity by the US and its allies.

Moscow said a British Boeing RC-135 Rivet Joint reconnaissance plane was trying to get close to Crimea…

🇺🇦Ukraine's defence ministry has said about 90,000 Russian troops are stationed not far from the border.

It has said units of the Russian 41st army have remained in Yelnya, 160 miles north of the Ukraine frontier…

🗣️Tony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, said: "We don't have clarity into Moscow's intentions, but we do know its playbook.

"Our concern is that Russia may make the serious mistake of attempting to rehash what it undertook back in 2014"…

🔴 Vladimir Putin has also been accused of orchestrating a migration crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland to destabilise Europe, using Belarus as a proxy to “rebuild the Russian empire”…

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