Dr Mari Luomi Profile picture
Climate policy and UNFCCC geek. In search of planetary boundaries-compatible solutions in the Gulf. Stubborn optimist. Views = personal, RT ≠ endorsement.

Nov 12, 2021, 10 tweets

A 'People's Plenary' convenes at #COP26 to demand more from governments and to express frustration with the exclusion of civil society constituencies from the proceedings at this COP.

UNFCCC observer constituencies make statements in the 'People's Plenary'.

'I did not come here to fix the agenda, I came here to disrupt it', says a rep of Indigenous Peoples.


Women and Gender says: we are exhausted, we are frustrated, we are angry.


.@CANIntl calls out rich countries for hoarding vaccines. "A global crisis requires global solidarity."


'We will hold you accountable,' says Demand Climate Justice.


There is now a Disability caucus.

- People with disabilities are at the front lines in both the pandemic and the climate crisis.


'... if we can get the funding to get here, we cannot get in through the front door.'


'RINGOs do their work thinking and working for the next generation.

We do not take positions in these negotiations, but we advocate for fair process and evidence-based decision making.'


'... We have done a little analysis. This was dubbed the most inclusive COP.

This is a treaty process. We are here to observe. But if we cannot be in the rooms, we cannot play our role.

There are 77% more people here than at the previous COP.'

'... A 223% increase in media accreditation.

90% more party participants.

74% more NGOs accredited, but only 60% more NGO participants admitted.

Conclusion: not the most inclusive COP.'

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