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Nov 12, 2021, 8 tweets

As the old adage goes - more espresso less depresso. To brighten up those chilly winter mornings, why not upgrade your coffee set up. Here are some of the best espresso machines the WIRED coffee nerds have ever tried. wired.trib.al/EibjkZB 1/8

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need for hundreds of dollars cheaper. With a sleek body, consistent water and steam pressure, the Rancilio Silvia M brews espresso fit for a king. 📸: Rancilio wired.trib.al/6rpnbzb 2/8

For coffee consumers on the go,try the Breville Dual Boiler Espresso Machine.The double boiler lets you jump between its three main functions without having to wait for the machine to catch up, so you're always minutes away from liquid joy.📸: Breville wired.trib.al/Ah9giSj 3/8

Not all of us have cash to burn,but we still deserve fresh espresso.The Gevi 15-Bar Espresso Machine is well made, solid and it’s a little cutie. So whether as a kitchen staple or dorm room indulgence,you can make great coffee for under $150. 📸: Gevi wired.trib.al/6sZOlnj 4/8

Now, if you’re looking for a product that can do it all, then you want the Breville Barista Express. It produces consistent pressure for espresso, steams milk, and even grinds beans for you. 📸: Breville wired.trib.al/UBg75Ud 5/8

For the person who likes to work for their morning java, the Flair Signature Plus literally lets you pull your own espresso. You just load it up with coffee, water and press. 📸: Jeffrey Michael Walcott/Flair wired.trib.al/AsVxJXy 6/8

Simplicity always withstands the test of time. The Primula Stainless Steel Moka Pot produces stove made espresso that’s stronger than a standard drip machine, while being significantly cheaper than its coffee machine counterparts. 📸:Amazon wired.trib.al/HvSfC3J 7/8

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