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I do not give financial advice. InfoSec. Pentester. Malware + Exploit Dev. Gamer. Amateur day trader. Dumb money ape. Published author:

Nov 12, 2021, 8 tweets

I'm not saying a sell off is gonna happen for certain, but I definitely think that $PROG holders will have their conviction tested harder than ever. Power hour is coming and the volume is still lowest it's been in weeks.

The following is absolutely not financial advice...

Market makers and shorts do NOT want these calls in the money. They will try very hard to force the price down hard today and next week.

There are 25M shares on the call chain here. That's over 20% of the float.

This is the time to hold and hold strong.

A few million dollars in buying volume next week can push $PROG to unbelievable highs if the #Proglodyte army pushes together.

Friday is the time to load up on options, and MONDAY is when the bullish momentum can hit hardest.

NO shares to borrow.
Util 100%
SI 35% of FF

I cannot tell people how to trade.
I cannot tell you what to do with your money.
I can only describe the possibilities if certain factors play out... so here it is...

If 90,000 players spent $1,000 each on $PROG stock Mon morning, that would equal 30M shares at current price

This is the amount of shares I suspect would be needed to be bought to create the volume necessary to create a supply crisis for market makers and simultaneously drive the price high enough to cause the gamma squeeze.

If the momentum gets started though, HFs will jump in.

It looks like a lot of money until you see how many investors are playing this market and this stock, even just on Webull alone.

If the price starts running toward $4 again, that's all it will take.

This is what I'm doing with my money. You do what you want.

The FUD will be strong.
Diamond handed 🐸s must be stronger.

This is the best chance for a gamma squeeze if retail holds and slams the ask like a freight train. This is how retail fights the corruption of the stock market.

I'm holding through to expiration no matter what.

Good luck to all of you.
May the odds be ever in your favor.


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