Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Nov 12, 2021, 9 tweets

Bannon thread 1/

So Steve Bannon is indicted on 2 counts for ignoring Congresional Subpoena. He will be tried, convicted, and gets somewhere between 1 month & 2 years in prison

Bannon was an arrested criminal. Pardoned by Trump. And his prison time will be MASSIVE beyond this

Bannon thread 2/

Bannon is one of biggest monsters that gave us the Turmpomess. He is a psychological warfare specialist who used social media (Cambridge Analytica was his company) and used Facebook accounts to 'mind rape' (his words, not mine) Republicans. Yes Republicans.

Bannon Thread 3/

Steve Bannon was a bad seed long long before Trump. But when more sane campaigns would not touch Bannon in the 2016 cycle, he went to work for Trump. Before that he had co-founded racist extreme propaganda outfit Breitbart. The magafication of Trump was Bannon

Bannon Thread 4/

Bannon served as a Strategy Director for Trump, a new position invented for Bannon which did not require Senate confirmation. He was fired/departed 7 months later. In 2020 Bannon was arrested for selling a fake Trump Wall project to maganutters.

Bannon Thread 5/

Trump pardoned Bannon before his trial had time to start. Bannon helped Trump plan the January 6th terrorist attack, insurrection coup d'etat and picnic tourism of the Capitol. So that is our scumbag. Now the pardoned guy got himself fresh Federal indictments

Bannon Thread 6/

We can be reasonably sure that Bannon will be convicted for not obeying a Congressional subpoena. His case is extremely clear-cut. BUT that is only the very beginning of Bannon's pain

He is one of main organizers of Jan 6. And he has no way out of that

Bannon Thread 7/

So Jan 6th includes Giuliani, Gen Flynn, Roger Stone, Don Jr, My Pillow Guy, Bannon, and a bunch of Congressmen, etc. They will ALL do at least a decade, and several face a life sentence. Bannon will be at top end of the time for Jan 6.

Bannon Thread 8/

The difference is, that Bannon will be convicted FELON when his Jan 6th crime comes to trial. And he cannot lie about the crime of Trump Wall Fraud for which he was pardoned (no pleading of the 5th). That makes Bannon strong candidate to flip early about Jan 6

Bannon Thread 9/

This indictment today is a good first step. But Bannon faces at least a decade inside just for his Jan 6th part, even if is first to flip

But his WORST crime (against humanity) was what he did with Cambridge Analytica. THAT I hope also gets fully prosecuted

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