James Murray Profile picture
Editor of @Incisive https://t.co/7W9gn0KiWt - tweeting in a personal capacity, check out @BusinessGreen for the official feed

Nov 13, 2021, 8 tweets

The draft cover texts are out. #COP26 unfccc.int/sites/default/…

Crucial lines on updating NDCs next year are still in. Enough to let Presidency say 1.5C is still just about alive?

Totemic lines on phasing out unabated coal and inefficient subsidies remains, but with crucial additional reference to support for a 'just transition'.

Lines on nature and methane remain, and I think look stronger than before?

There's still a placeholder on climate finance...

There is going to be a new dialogue on loss and damage - name TBC. Is there enough in the text on loss and damage or is this going to be the flashpoint for the talks today given the G77 were adamant yesterday the text was too weak.

The section on common timeframes is in square brackets, suggesting agreement not yet reached.

I may be wrong on this (it has been a long week), but the section on the crucial role of non-state actors (i.e. business, civil society, indigenous groups, etc) looks like it may be a bit stronger.

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