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MXTX, 18+, sometimes NSFW, J.D. 🥳, writer, read carrd, 📌 is current thread, discord server link in CARRD (NPAB updates on Discord) 🌈

Nov 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Thread Explaining my Open World Fantasy Epic that is WAY too much but I’ve been working on it for 9 years and it’s my baby:

It’s main focus is that it follows the royal bloodline of an empire from it’s founding, all the way to the modern era!

It has magic, monsters, politics, and more!

As a result of how massive and sprawling the world / lore are, there are 5 “series” worth of content happening at different places along a 10k+ year storyline, starting with series one, which is a creation myth/origin story! Details:

The second series takes place nine hundred years after the founding of said Empire, following it through a civil war / collapse into seven separate and independent nations. Details HERE:

The third series is the CENTRAL series to the entire story, takes place over 7 books, and follows the rebuilding of the empire after it’s collapse—and an epic good vs. evil show down at the same time!

The fourth series is where BABY GIANNI SHOWS UP!! Takes place over 4 books, and follows Sagari’s grandson, Theseus, as he tries to stop the end of the world and ends up inadvertently causing it.

The fifth and final series ends up covering the journey of the birth of a new Royal Dynasty (and with it, a new empire), following the path of Theseus’s daughter, Freya Varro.

There’s SO MUCH MORE about the different countries / families / characters / cultures i could say BUT I think that’s ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY lmao

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