Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Nov 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Why should every adult get a 3rd shot (booster) when eligible (6 months after 1°💉)?
1. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial, the gold standard for assessing efficacy, showed restoration of efficacy to 95.6%, in >10,000 participants across all age groups

2. Prevention of hospitalizations and deaths in a study of >728,000 people w/ 3-shots vs >728,000 matched controls (2-shots)… @TheLancet

3. We have no US National data by vaxx status but hospitalizations are starting to increase again and several states are reporting an increasing proportion of breakthroughs accounting for them

4. The US is doing a poor job of rolling out boosters relative to many other countries.
Only 1 in 3 people of the highest risk group, age 65+, have received one. Only 1 in 7 overall who are eligible.

5. Despite the compelling data and the current predicament, there is unwarranted and serious division at the top @CDCgov and among some experts who have been in denial of the vaccine effectiveness waning issue for months, resulting in mixed messages to the public and confusion

6. Meanwhile, 2 states have taken the appropriate steps of opening up boosters for all over the age 18 (California and Colorado) which is unprecedented (overriding CDC and FDA). And many countries have made boosters eligible for all adults their policy, including Canada.

7. Getting a booster when there'a a surge in your state is not the best timing ;-)
Also highlights that the booster rate across the US is remarkably low.

8. New data today from the UK shows boosters restore vaccine effectiveness for protection vs symptomatic infection to over 90% (AZ 93%, Pfizer 94%)……

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