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Nov 13, 2021, 5 tweets

'Deeply sorry': UK's Sharma offers apology for last-minute changes to climate deal

The climate conference in Glasgow was the 26th of its kind but the first to call for a reduction in fossil fuels. India, though, raised last-minute objections and a clause on efforts to ‘phase out’ coal was weakened to say ‘phase down’ use of the fuel

India's environment and climate minister said the watering down of language on phasing out coal was needed to reflect the 'national circumstances of emerging economies' #COP26

'I wish that we had managed to preserve the language on coal that was originally agreed,' British #COP26 President Alok Sharma said, referring to the hurried change from 'phase out' to 'phase down' in the agreement

On the #COP26 agreement’s last-minute language change on coal, Greenpeace Executive Director @climatemorgan saw the glass as half full

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