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Nov 14, 2021, 22 tweets

@AVMikhailova It's a good story, I grant you, but I have one much better on him. He invested in a company which was mostly owned by Dmytro Firtash (now sanctioned for attacking his own country and siding with the Russians) and the company is stuffed with Tory Lords and Tory biz chiefs

@AVMikhailova He got a £53m mortgage from David Rowland to buy an ex tube station from the MOD (Tory multi-millionaire donor, bankroller of Prince Andrew, payment of £12m days before Brexit + then another 2 years later to cover up the first) + I have all the receipts IF YOU DARE Anna

@AVMikhailova The very day Firtash put down £5m deposit on the deal (20 Nov 2013) Rees-Mogg got a LEI Number for his Cayman Island fund you talk about, thus enabling it to trade for the first time + Firtash has cash through his associates in the Cayman Islands too

@AVMikhailova In 2002-03 Mogg (expert investor) put cash as part of the LG Antenna Fund (which he ran). Spadi Trading IS Dmyto Firtash. Headed up by his English chief Robert Shetler Jones who is a director of Zander Group.

@AVMikhailova Here's Lord Risby (Firtash employee) admitting to the WSJ that Spadi Trading is Firtash (Dec 2014) and that he a former Tory Party Vice chair worked for him

@AVMikhailova Here are 2 pieces of evidence that LG Antenna Fund was run by Jacob Rees-Mogg - an expert investor apparently clueless that a major Russian-backed mobster was a major shareholder in this company

@AVMikhailova Is there any way millions could have been poured into the UK from the Firtash connection legally? YES

Firtash bought an ex-tube station for £53m (Feb 27 2014) - here's the payment schedule on an FOI reply

@AVMikhailova Why in God's name could a national security risk (Firtash) buy an ex-tube station? Treasury rules allow for a "named special purchaser of the property" - so was Dmytro Firtash "headhunted and personally selected by a senior Tory"?

@AVMikhailova Why is Firtash a national security risk? MI5 said so - they vetoed a Tory Cabinet appointment in August 2010

@AVMikhailova Firtash admitted he worked with the Russian mafia don of dons Semion Mogilevitch in a conversation with the then US Ukrainian Ambassador Bill Taylor - documented in the Wikileaks release

@AVMikhailova Jones Lang LaSalle are appointed to sell off the Brompton Rd tube station by the MoD agency in July 2013 - GUESS WHO EMPLOYS JLL? Boris Johnson

@AVMikhailova Nov 20th 2013 (date in land registry docs and signed so we know its accurate) and we have the payment amount for November too £5,337, 500 - the Firtash team hand Jones Lang LaSalle the dosh. 5 days later "they've struck a deal" stories emerge in the press dousing press curiosity

@AVMikhailova So cash exchanged and ZERO due diligence done on the buyer (OR JLL are so incompetent they don't know how to Google and they had 99 days to do so and find the stories I mention in this chain) - at the VERY LEAST its a Suspicious Activity Report by the mortgage providing bank

@AVMikhailova Banque Haviland is the bank - a family run bank run by David Rowland (massive Tory party donor - offered job as Treasurer in 2011 - Lord Ashcroft said no 'too dodgy') - according to MOD its him giving Firtash the cash across 2013-2016 in a series of payments detailed above

@AVMikhailova Now Rowland is as Ashcroft described. Here he is trying to use Prince Andrew to get the sovereign investment fund of rogue state North Korea for his bank…

@AVMikhailova Here's Rowland's bank coordinating a plot with the UAE and Emiratis to destroy the Qatari's economy - soon to come to court…

@AVMikhailova Rowland tamely acts at the UAE's bidding the bank team call MBZ (UAE ruler) "the boss"…

@AVMikhailova Rowland was using Prince Andrew's contact book and prestige in return for the cash he gave him to pay off his debts…

@AVMikhailova HQ of Anglo-Gulf Trade Bank in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, was officially opened by His Royal Highness The Duke of York, KG on October 16, 2018. Anglo-Gulf Trade Bank a BITCOIN bank type of bank favoured by hackers and crime gangs…

@AVMikhailova Rowland's principal investors are Mubadala Sovereign Investment who in turn have launched nearly 50 joint investment projects with Russia

@AVMikhailova Boris Johnson's reliance on Jones Lang LaSalle extends into 2016 - here he is signing another contract extension - JLL is NOT the MOD's supplier of choice its the Mayor of London - their appointment was requested by Johnson

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