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šŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Nov 14, 2021, 27 tweets

Another thread of a favourite photographer: Life magazine's Carl Mydans šŸ§µ
Here with his Contax camera in a great shot by his colleague Andreas Feininger, 1942

Vladimir Nabokov by Carl Mydans
Ithaca, New York, September 1958

Herman Wouk by Carl Mydans
Times Square, 1962

Joe DiMaggio by Carl Mydans, 1939
Joltin' Joe hit .381 that year; his on-base percentage was .448

Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas with their poodle Basket
šŸ“· Carl Mydans, 1944

S. J. Perelman by Carl Mydans, 1961
"Before they made Perelman, they broke the mold."
I went looking for the source of this quote, & of course he said it about himself.

Carl Mydans
A migrant worker & his two children, Raymondville, Texas, 1937

Bobby Fischer by Carl Mydans, 1962

General MacArthur coming ashore at Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines, 1945
Probably the most famous of all the pictures taken by Life's Carl Mydans.

Carl Mydans' portrait of Alfred Eisenstaedt with his Rolleiflex, from 1944

... and Alfred returned the favour: Carl Mydans with his Contax, by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1944

William Faulkner by Carl Mydans, 1962

Indira Gandhi by Carl Mydans
New York, 1956

Another superb portrait of Bobby Fischer by Carl Mydans, 1962

Carl Mydans
JFK & Caroline go for a walk in Georgetown, 1960

Another famous photograph by Carl Mydans, following JFK's assassination, November 1963

Muriel Spark by Carl Mydans, 1965

Philip Roth with his first wife Maggie Martinson
šŸ“· Carl Mydans, 1962

A great shot of London in the fog by Carl Mydans, 1952

Ezra Pound by Carl Mydans, 1940
According to the Life caption, he's "composing profacist commentaries on stationary emblazoned with Mussolini's motto 'Liberty is a Duty, Not a Right'."

Carl & Shelley Mydans by Nina Leen
Photographer Carl & journalist Shelley were the first husband & wife team to work for Life magazine. They were were interned by the Japanese for a year in Manila, then for another year in Shanghai, before a prison-of-war exchange in 1943.

John O'Hara by Carl Mydans

The Nabokovs at work: Vladimir dictates & Vera types
šŸ“· Carl Mydans, 1958

James Baldwin by Carl Mydans, 1962

Grace Kelly on the set of High Noon
šŸ“· Carl Mydans, 1951
I missed this portrait when I did Grace Kelly's birthday thread yesterday.

Leonard Bernstein by Carl Mydans, 1959
This was taken during a New York Philharmonic concert in Moscow

Carl Mydans
Tsingtao, 1948

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