Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo Profile picture

Nov 14, 2021, 8 tweets

Good morning family, we have completed the roofing of the church we are building in the Philippines! The project was hampered by the rain and we had to construct the drainages and soak aways last week
Glory be to God

The Lord has been our help throughout this project. This community encountered the love of Christ and testifies of the glory revealed in that love!
I have had people call from all over the world commending the work.
I am happy to inform us that we have contributed to the building

Of many churches before now and out rightly built churches in selected communities in Nigeria so that such a community can have a place of worship.
We select rural communities and bring the light of the gospel to them!

We have also commenced plastering of the project and expect the entire project to come to a conclusion in the next two weeks.
We will be moving into the electrical and fittings stage immediately.
Here I am asking all those who have been led by the Holy Spirit to support this work

To please reach out and do so. We are not asking for support because we are short of money to do the work (again, we are not broke in anyway) we are only asking the instruments of Christ’s glory to play their role in the project that we may all be blessed together! This is an

opportunity for some to fulfil their calling and for others to activate heir calling as kingdom financiers
This was how I started in 2018, renovating the altar of a church at Ogudu, Lagos state and then contributing to the building of a female hostel for a church in Kwara! Today

I have been a part of church building in several communities in Nigeria and now we have gone global.
Please remember that this call is not for desperate people looking to do money doubling scheme with God.
I am calling the children of the day to shine as bright the stars they are

My DM is open and my WhatsApp number is +2348072744871!
This is the first boarding call, Thank you

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