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Former @WSJ • Book WOKE ARMY • • 304-685-2189 • @DPearlProject @JewishJournal @TheMuslimReform Former @Georgetown Prof

Nov 14, 2021, 11 tweets

Activists who condemned the Jan 6 ‘insurrection’ organized a Nov 11 coup of the TJPTSA. Why? Because they lost an election. Read the scathing witness by TJ mom @MarguliesNorma on how sore losers conspired with @VirginiaPTA to oust pro-merit @HarryJ4Justice…

@VirginiaPTA used its coercive influence to…install as new President, Ms. Yvette Rivers, who ran and lost against Dr. Jackson in the REAL election in May. In sum, it was a well-orchestrated coup. Maduro in Venezuela or Lukashenko in Belarus could not have managed it better.”

For backstory, read how @NationalPTA @VirginiaPTA @CroomPam sabotaged the winning pro-merit officers including @HarryJ4Justice. They even gave activist principal @TJAnnB an unprecented vote on the PTSA Executive Committee to swing votes. And? She took it🤯…

All politics is local. When we care about rule of law at the highest levels, we must protect it at its most local level. @VirginiaPTA led a coup with activists to give racist, anti-merit policies of @fcpsnews @TJAnnB a rubber stamp by a compliant PTSA.…

More: @TJAlumniAG is a lobbying 501c4. It worked with @TJAnnB @VASecofEdu to kill the TJ test. TJAAG Jorge Torrico, NOT an alumni parent or current parent, heckled TJ parents at the meeting. He is TJ Class of ’94 and spoke w/minor students at the meeting, raising safety concerns.

🍷@iandprior recognized Hilary Hultman-Lee as Chardonnay Antifa architect of @LCPSOfficial anti-parent hit list. Hilary now backs TJ PTSA coup and wages an anti-parent attack on @StacyLangton @MarguliesNorma, me, others. Original piece by @lukerosiak:…

Fixing typo: Jorge Torrico is TJ Class of 1998. He is NOT a current or former TJ parent. Parents raised concerns with @TJAnnB when he contacted a TJ student during a PTSA meeting in spring 2021. @TJAlumniAG are 501c4 lobbyists represented by @arnoldporter.

June 2020, @TJAlumniAG schemed an “Occupy TJ” protest at our No. 1 high school. I warned @fcpsnews @TJAnnB @FCPSSupt. They held the door open for the lobbyists. Nov 11, 2021, TJAAG had its Occupy TJ moment with a coup of the TJ PTSA + the blessing of the principal + @VirginiaPTA

Truth is the ultimate defense. @TJAlumniAG Jorge Torrico admits he spoke with minors at the TJ PTSA meeting to give them “simple encouragement.” Parents are concerned: why is @TJAnnB allowing activists to court students? Have they had background checks @fezuluaga @FCPSSupt?

Can you imagine walking into even your alma mater 25 years later and chatting up random minors there during a PTSA meeting to give them “encouragement”? These creepy activists have so lost their moral compass with enabling activist educrats like @TJAnnB @fezuluaga @FCPSSupt.

Do you attend PTA meetings at the high school you attended 25 years ago but have no children attending?

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