Robert Young Pelton Profile picture
Still Alive.

Nov 14, 2021, 7 tweets

Before gaffer tape.

Don't forget to visit the lounge on the lower deck. Something you still see on the Emirates double decker in the back.

In 1930 the Handley Page Hannibal was the largest passenger aircraft in the world. Cruised at 105 mph. Launched the idea of trans world air travel in 1930.

Imagine London to India in only seven days. Flying boats like the Caproni and other Flying Boats made travel seem exotic.

What's next? Boom. United is going to fly the new XB-1 Supersonic. New York to London in 3 hours at Mach 1.7 Supposedly at "Net Zero Carbon" with "Sustainable Jet Fuel"

This is good news except us hicks on the West Coast that consider New York a flyover destination will have to wait to slice that LAX - UAE from 12 - 6 hours. BTW Where is the chilled martini in the photo?

Until such time as your future flight fantasy comes true, you are requested to do the Happy Airline Industry Dance until further notice.

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